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Why two batteries are always connected in reverse way?

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Dec 2, 2005
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funcky question

hey i wanted to know, what is the reason behind two battery supply always connected in reverse way...(it's like if u see yr remote then the direction of both battery is different direction... what is the reason why they always does it like this way...

---> is it beacuse the reverse current flow will eliminate magnetic field...

contribute yr thought

funcky question

My guess is that the + node of one battery is placed closer to the - node of the other battery so that they are more easily connected in series.

If the plus nodes are on the same side, then to connect them in series would require a longer wire.

funcky question

The reason is very simple. It is to connect the positive and the negative of the batteries in the shortest way. Because the circuit requires the batteries to connect in series to achieve a higher voltage.

Re: funcky question

Well it is basically to connect them in series to achieve the voltage required by the device, for instance in remote, having 2- 1.5V connected in series will give you the 3V. I think the reverse current has nothing to do with it.

Re: funcky question

yup, to make series connection of batteries easy,,,,,

Re: funcky question

it is very simple, positive port connected to the negatve port to get the higher accumulative voltage, if u put positve to positve the total voltage will be the difference between them.

Re: funcky question

if both side got two +ve nad -ve supply then the gap will be a capacitance.

Re: funcky question

it is the smartest way to connect the batteries in series
if you observe carefully one of the metal plates wouldn't have any wires connected to it
so obviously it is used just to connect the batteries in series

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