Why my hspice(in linux) can not generate wave files?(help!!)

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Aug 29, 2004
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hspice not generating .sw

I installed hspice_2005_03 in redhat9.0 .The hspice can run. But it can not generate the files,such as *.sw*,*.tr*,*.ac*. So i can not observe the waves with cscope.

there is the *.lis file:
Using: /home/cs/synopsys/hspice/linux/hspice
Incorrectly built binary which accesses errno, h_errno or _res directly. Needs to be fixed.
****** HSPICE W-2005.03 (20050128) 16:55:52 11/16/2006 linux
Copyright (C) 2005 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement found in:
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by this
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: /home/cs/hspice_ex/ss.sp
lic: FLEXlm: v8.4b
lic: USER: cs HOSTNAME: localhost.localdomain
lic: HOSTID: 00e04c80bf1d PID: 4250
lic: Using FLEXlm license file:
lic: /home/cs/synopsys/license.dat
lic: Checkout hspice; Encryption code: DCFE951F005EC01439B7
lic: Notice: NOT TO BE SOLD
lic: License/Maintenance for hspice will expire on 31-dec-2050/2005.3
lic: NODE LOCKED DEMO license on host 00e04c80bf1d
Init: read install configuration file: /home/cs/synopsys/hspice/meta.cfg
Init: hspice initialization file: /home/cs/synopsys/hspice/hspice.ini
* reading file: /home/cs/synopsys/hspice/hspice.ini

.include 'ex1.sp'
*this is a gui generated header file. it is overwritten and updated for each run.

.include 'diode.sp'
* circuit description
vd 1 0 dc 700mv ac 1
d1 1 2 diode
r1 2 0 1k
* diode model statement
.model diode d
* analysis requests*
.dc vd 0v 800mv 200uv
.temp 0 27 100

* output requests

.probe dc i(d1) v(2)
1 ****** HSPICE W-2005.03 (20050128) 16:55:52 11/16/2006 linux
*this is a gui generated header file. it is overwritten and updated for each
****** diode model parameters tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000
*** common model parameters model name: 0:diode ****

names values units names values units names values units
----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ -----

1*** dc breakdown parameters ***
vb= 0. volts ibv= 1.00m amps

2*** parasitic resistance parameters ***
rs= 0. ohms

3*** capacitance parameters ***
fc= 500.00m fcs= 500.00m m= 500.00m
mjsw= 330.00m pb= 800.00m volts php= 800.00m volts
tt= 0. secs cjo= 0. f/area cjp= 0. f/pj

4*** temperature effect parameters ***
tlev= 0. tlevc= 0. tcv= 0. v/deg k
trs= 0. /deg cta= 0. /deg ctp= 0. /deg
xti= 3.00 xtitun= 3.00 eg= 1.11 ev
gap1= 702.00u ev/deg gap2= 1.11k deg ttt1= 0. /deg
ttt2= 0. /deg2 tm1= 0. /deg tm2= 0. /deg2
tpb= 0. v/deg k tphp= 0. v/deg k tref= 25.00 deg c

5*** noise parameters ***
kf= 0. af= 1.00

*** level 1 model parameters ***

level= 1.00 is= 10.00f amps jsw= 0. amps
n= 1.00 nbv= 1.00 ik= 0. amp
area= 1.00 pj= 0. ikr= 0. amp
expli= 0. amps explir= 0. amps jtun= 0. amps
jtunsw= 0. amps ntun= 30.00

***** job concluded
1 ****** HSPICE W-2005.03 (20050128) 16:55:52 11/16/2006 linux
*this is a gui generated header file. it is overwritten and updated for each
****** job statistics summary tnom= 25.000 temp= 100.000

total memory used 185 kbytes

# nodes = 4 # elements= 4
# diodes= 1 # bjts = 0 # jfets = 0 # mosfets = 0 # va device = 0

analysis time # points tot. iter conv.iter

op point 0.00 1 0
dc sweep 0.20 4001 24030
readin 0.01
errchk 0.00
setup 0.00
output 0.00
total cpu time 0.21 seconds
job started at 16:55:52 11/16/2006
job ended at 16:55:52 11/16/2006

lic: Release hspice token(s)
>info: ***** hspice job concluded
HSPICE job /home/cs/hspice_ex/ss.sp completed.
???? 11???? 16 16:55:52 CST 2006

Please help me!!!

license for hspice linux

It appears you have the correct license,
is your netlist correct?

You may try to run HSPICE on demo.sp, to see if it generates the correct output file.

xtitun in diode

add .options post
into yout netlist

generate .lis file in hspice

add .options post probe to your netlist file

hspice demo files *.sp

.option post
This option is enough. The option "probe" is not need for the purpose of generating a data file. It is used to reduce data file size -- only signals in ".probe" statement is saved.

hspice for linux

thank you every guy,the problem have been solved for you help!
By the way,why hspice can generate the data files in windows without the ".option post" statement?

hspice in linux

if you have set the CSDF option, the data files will be generated without the POST option.

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