Which university has a solid background for Analog IC desigh

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Oct 13, 2003
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Does anyone know which univerisyt has a good phd program for Analog IC desigh. Is a Ms degree enough for Analog IC desigh? Is it has a good future here in US?

two schools

I have heard that Stanford and University of California at Berkeley are good. Look in the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits for the schools associated with each paper.

My advice is the more you know (from going to more school) the better off you will be throughout your working life.

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

Good analogue design engineers have always been in demand and I suspect they always will be.

It's a bit different from digital (HDL) work in that the company that you join after University will start you off on what is almost an extended apprenticeship. There's a hell of a lot about the subject that your University course will not cover - the holes in your knowledge will only be filled in by working closely with experienced designers.

You should learn more in your first few years in industry than you will have during your course, so be careful when accepting your first job. Aim for companies with a good reputation such as National Semi, Maxim etc.

Think twice before going to work for some startup.

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

I agree,

good analog designers are quite rare. Regardless of your degree you gain visibility quite fast if you know what you are doing.

Regarding the school: Berkeley, Stanford, Washington State, CMU


Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

In Europe one of the best is KULeuven.


Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

nathan said:
I agree,



What is cmu? Is it in the states?

How is A&M? Some says it is in the top5.

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

I think TAMU is very good at Analog. Some else about Stanford,UCLA,UCB,OSU are also Top5 in my opinion.

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

CMU is Carnegie Mellon University
OSU is Oregon State University

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de


my question will be alittle bit different

i am looking for good schools that have good profs in physical layer communication
some things like space-time processing ,multi-user detection,Estimation
coding , error correction and so on

thanx alot

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

UCSB - University California Santa Barbara - Ref. Pro. Steve Long
[excelent Analog IC RFIC Curriculum]

I do not think, in the univs, there're any good research projects on analog ic design, especially at the phd level. the problem is few new theories are needed for the analog ic during the next 30 yrs. techniques cannot offer you a phd

Never study PhD for analogue IC design in UK

Never study an analogue IC course in UK for a PhD, the professor/doctor does not know what they are doing....

I found funding to undertake a PhD in Bath University, UK. I thought I had a good supervisor who may teach me techniques in analogue IC design and test....

He misled me and guided me inappropriately...when I asked for training and industrial placement, he tried to delay and obstruct me from applying one...

When I complaint to the Head of Dept, who was also an analogue IC professor, he could not tell the difference between a 1-stage and 2-stage operational transconductance amplifier (OTA)...

Now, after wasted my 2 years and money, I found disappointment...

Have you told you that the PhD research topic was given by my supervisor? he himself knows little about it and he did not help much...

What another sorry tale about studying technology in UK...

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

The above rubbish posting doesn't deserve a response.

1. Infected with a "generalized" statement against UK Technology teaching...
2. Anonymous - the poster is fearfull of exposing him/her-self...
3. Not in par with Elektroda Community quality posting...
4. It is cross-posted on another thread....

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

i do not believe that going from undergrad to masters in analog IC design is helpful. my experience/opinion is that it is better to leave university with a 4 year degree and join a Large company for 3 years. here is my reasons:

Large companies can afford to train you and often have a **WORKING** mentor ship program.

3 years because you can be an intermediate engineer (no longer junior), so if school does not pan out, you are likely to be gainfully employed. 3 years after university is often how long it takes to achieve Professional Engineering status.

3 years of staying with company earns you so much Practical experience it will benifit you the rest of your life and 10x as helpful even if your masters is theoretical.

after 3 years with a large company, they are likely to PAY for your further education (so long as it is in the same field of study). a good company will recognize the value in keeping you educated and loyal.

my 2Centz


Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

To the guy who said UC Berkeley puts out good analog engineers!

I don't think so. I worked with a few grduates from UCB and they are all mediocre at best. UCB trains for mips microprocessor primarily and beleive me you, they are not even on chart when it comes to good analog designers. Don't waist your money. I'm not usiually not this negative but when read flautuent's comment I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I wonder where he heard the lie?!#!

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

The three TOP Analog Schools in the US are historically, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and Stanford without ordering.

Today, I think Berkerely is a bit out of the picture because of blood change. Paul Gray is vice-chancellor to the entire UCB and is not guiding research anymore. R. G. Meyer is super great as well but never guided large groups of students and also his health and age are factoring in.

UCLA has the most promising program today with Abidi, Razavi and Yang. They also have a good pool of professors in communications. Don't forget that historically they did have a very strong Comm. major and Viterbi used to be a professor overthere.

Stanford has a great program as well plus they have a bigger name as a school. Tom Lee and Bruce Wooley give Stanford lots of weight.

New schools that are coming in the analog game are UCSD (UC San Diego). Caltech has a small program with mainly Hajimiri but I'm not sure it is so great of a program despite the prestigious name of Caltech.
UCI (UC Irvine ) is and up and coming in the analog game as well and so is TAMU but they still have someway to go.


Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

The three TOP Analog Schools in the US are historically, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and Stanford without ordering.

Today, I think Berkerely is a bit out of the picture because of blood change. Paul Gray is vice-chancellor to the entire UCB and is not guiding research anymore. R. G. Meyer is super great as well but never guided large groups of students and also his health and age are factoring in.

UCLA has the most promising program today with Abidi, Razavi and Yang. They also have a good pool of professors in communications. Don't forget that historically they did have a very strong Comm. major and Viterbi used to be a professor overthere.

Stanford has a great program as well plus they have a bigger name as a school. Tom Lee and Bruce Wooley give Stanford lots of weight.

New schools that are coming in the analog game are UCSD (UC San Diego). Caltech has a small program with mainly Hajimiri but I'm not sure it is so great of a program despite the prestigious name of Caltech.
UCI (UC Irvine ) is and up and coming in the analog game as well and so is TAMU but they still have someway to go.


Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

This is really a good topic. The replies are great.
For my opinion, I think this depends on what you mean by "good".
If you are thinking of learning techniques from school. Please forget it. Techniques can never grant you the degree. What they want are just fancy mathematics and theories. As someone mentioned about Thomas Lee in Standford. I have to admit that some of Lee's research are good. Especially his book, "design of cmos rf circuits" or something like that. But my impression is that they spend so much time and effort in digging the fancy mathematics rather than presenting their real result. Have you read the LNA papers from Lee's group? The mathematics are terribly complicated, at least for me. But once you understand the basic concept, you will find that the maths are just used to fool or at least scare the reviewers.

If you are already working and your job is secured, I suggest you better stay. If for some reasons, you want to have some changes in personality and life. Go ahead.

As a final point, PhD may be interpreted as "Permanent head Damage"

Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

From what I see, the best intuition and least mathematics comes from Abidi's group at UCLA. This man knows circuits


Re: Which university has a solid background for Analog IC de

To Mesfet: I haven't read T.Lee's paper on LNA but I had the chance to listen to some of his lectures in analog design in Stanford. I should say that he doesn't emphasize on mathematics at all. On the contrary, he puts a lot of effort on giving intuition to the students, as it should be I believe for analog design.
BTW, anyone willing to compare European universities and even Russian universities. I have met many good Russian engineers especially in analog. I know they have (or perhaps had) a good school in analog.

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