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which software was used to create this PCB "GBP,GPT,REP,DRL extentions

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Hicham M

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Feb 1, 2014
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I have a PCB's files that i want to open and modify but i can't figure out which software was used to create it,

the project contain this folders :
Gerber Output : contain files with APR, GBL, GBO, GBP, GBS,GD1,GG1,GTO,GTP,REP file extension

NC Drill Output : contain DRR,DRL, LDP files extension
PickPlace Output : text file

the PCB has 4 layers and i'm not should if i can modify this files or they are just meant for production purpose only

does anyone know which PCb software generate this files ?


I have a PCB's files that i want to open and modify but i can't figure out which software was used to create it,

the project contain this folders :
Gerber Output : contain files with APR, GBL, GBO, GBP, GBS,GD1,GG1,GTO,GTP,REP file extension

NC Drill Output : contain DRR,DRL, LDP files extension
PickPlace Output : text file

the PCB has 4 layers and i'm not should if i can modify this files or they are just meant for production purpose only

does anyone know which PCb software generate this files ?

**broken link removed**

.gtl top copper
.gbl bottom copper

.gts top solder mask
.gbs bottom soldermask

.gto top silkscreen
.gbo bottom silkscreen

.txt excellon drill file
.drr NCDrill file report
.drl NCDrill file
.apr aperture list

.gko keepout layer, sometimes board outline

.gp1 ground/power 1
.gp2 ground/power 2

.gtp top pad master
.gpt top paste mask

.gpb bottom paste mask
.gbp bottom paste mask
Try opening the actual PCB file with a text editor, there is usually a readable header in the file, or have you just got gerbers.

As I was reading too fast, haven't noticed your first sentence:
I have a PCB's files that i want to open and modify but i can't figure out which software was used to create it,
You only have fabrication files, you don't have the PCB file itself, so, only reverse engineering from gerber files that you have, to recreate PCB.

Hi hicham,

It is altium designer. Modifing the gerbers is not advisible but if it is very small change you can use CAM350.
But i would request you to get the pcb file and modify the layout and generate gerbers again.

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