which redhat is good for eda:

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marsgod said:
I installed Redhat Advanced Server 3.0 and the latest $yopsys tools, and found DC will crash when compiling a bigger design.
So, I turned to Redhat Advanced Server 2.1, and it seems ok now.
So, you can make a choice.

Basically, AS2.1 is in line with RH7.3. But I surfed a lot on WEB, and find NO place to get it. Does anybody know a place to grab it ? Plz don't tell me from "RedHat's site", for I cannot access there.
Thanks a lot.

Redhat 7.2

RHEL 4.0 works with IC 5.141USR1A without problem. The test is in progress...

7.3 is good for most tools

7.2 , 7.3 , 8.0 is good for EDA tools

> however u can get a free version of that by the name of whitebox enterprise linux 3.0 (this is developed from the source of RHEL3.0). one thing is RHEL3.0 is not free. i'm using that for quite something, didn't find anything wrong with that.

The cost of RHEL is inconsequential compared to a 1-year subscription to *ANY* EDA-tool (VCS, Modelsim, NCsim, etc.) The primary motivation to use a 'free' version is for engineers to be able to install it on their own desktop PC, allowing them to run their desktop instead of logging into a shared server machine.

And WBEL doesn't run everything without problem -- some tools are unreliable under WBEL 3.0 (but work fine under the genuine RHEL 3.0.) [But WBEL 3.0 Respin 2 fixes some of this.] At least that was my experience with an Athlon/64 (x86_64) installation. If at all possible, it's best to use the 'officially supported' O/S for the EDA-software in question -- this cuts down on non-productive trouble-shooting issues.

but beyond the update of the hardware, i don't think the redhat8.0 can be installed on new hardware device like sata and new processor, is that mean the EL is the only choise?

LDV 5.0
Debussy 5.2
DC 2003.06
were no problem on redhat 8.0

Added after 16 minutes:

For some new version of EDA tools, RHEL 3.0 is very well.

AS version is good

My question here may sound silly... I just downloaded the ISO of Whitebox Linux 3. I intend to install it on AMD64 desktop. Is it possible for IC5 or IC5033 to run in 64bit Linux environment?

Yes, I can run IC5033 and IC5141 on AMD64 + RedHat enterprisr AS3 update5.

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