which redhat is good for eda:

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7.3 is better ,but you should solve some hardware incompatable problem such as it do not support some new display card.

What about Fedora core 3,does it suitble for most eda tools ?

NO. FC3 ia base on the 2.6 version of kernel. It is not a good OS for EDAtools.

7.2 and as3

You can try CentOS, a free rebuild version of RHEL3.

red hat 7.3 is best,we have installed m@gma in this version.

hi aormon have u tried installing magma on fedora core 2....

What do you guyzz do in order to upgrade a RH7.3 now that RH does not support it anymore.

I have the RH3 install disks , but where do i get the patches from , in order to at least patch it up to where RH .. left it ...


I use rh7.3 to install ic5033.it worked very fine.

all eda tools run fine on enterprise editions.. RHEL 3 is good.. i got this with my laptop.. RHEL 4 is also out.. it might cost u some bucks.. bu i aud say its always better..

with regards,

i use rh 8.0 on which i run cadence ic,synopsys and other tools.rh 8.0 is a good alternative for all those who have new hardware.

7.3 or 8.0. I have tried to use 9.0 but almost nothing works in 9.0 due to another major revision for GLIBC and GCC of course.

Synopsys is planning to support RH EL2 and 3 until 2007.

until then...


the baseline linux for EDA tools is RHEL 3.0. however u can get a free version of that by the name of whitebox enterprise linux 3.0 (this is developed from the source of RHEL3.0). one thing is RHEL3.0 is not free. i'm using that for quite something, didn't find anything wrong with that.

as for the glibc and gcc problem with RH9, so far i only encoutner that with VCS, the rest of synopsys and cadence tools do not have such a problem. to overcome this problem using VCS7.1 and above, you need to add the file /etc/redhat-release with the content

Red Hat Enteprise Linux .S release 3

For whitebox linux, the above also apply.

If the EDA tools in my Linux PC are IC5033, Hsim, Hspice, LDV, Debussy and Sandwork. and my RH7.3 kernel is 2.4.18-3 . Should i upgrade the kernel to version-2.4.28 ?

Besides, Is there any benefit to upgrade the X-window from version-4.2 to version-4.4? Should i upgrade the X-window ??

Thanks for any comment and suggestion in advance : )


As far as I know, I dont think rh 7.3 8.0 would support harddisk with SATA bus which
has been used for many kinds of dell desktop. However, rhel3 and fc3 support this.
fc2 will show smartd error message when booting process.
rhel3 comes out no problems and errors.
remember set environment LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.1

good luck!

mandrake 9.2 can support almost all eda tools, but i don't have any idea about RH 7.3.I tried magma on FC2 but the matle failed otherwise FC-2 is a good option for cadence tools

I have been looking at WhiteBox , but there seemd to be a more popular (and more up to date) RHEL 3.0 based build called centos , from www.centos.org

Has anyone tried that out ??


i use 8.0 and feel it good

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