Which oscilloscope is the best ?

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Newbie level 3
Jun 4, 2008
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I´m about to buy one oscyloscoppe but i don´t know what is best.
one using my pc as the oscyloscoppe, using the usb port, or buy one analogic/digital?

Re: Buy a oscyloscoppe

The type of oscilloscope you buy depends on what you plan to use it for. Is it for hobby electronics? Will you be doing high speed digital design? Will you be doing RF design?

There are many types of scopes available, and you need to decide how much you are willing spend to get the kind of features you'll need for the type of work you plan to do. For example, to do digital work you would probably want a storage scope because many digital events only happen in data "bursts". You'll want to be able to store those events to look at them.

A dual channel scope is handy for both digital and analog work, but it costs more than a single channel scope. If you do a lot of differential channel work, you'll probably want a dual channel scope anyway.

If you plan to do RF work with the scope or high voltage work, you'll need special probes regardless of the scope you get.

Decide how much you're willing to spend, and what kind of work you plan to do. Then you can decide what kind of scope to buy.

Re: Buy a oscyloscoppe

The answer depends on the buget, experience and usage. A 100Mhz analog scope is good for general low cost beginner and general use. A 150Mhz DSO is good for lab, design and repair works but at a premium. A PC scope is not for general use, but the price and performance is not bad.

Re: Buy a oscyloscoppe

is mostly to hobby lab, i like a little bit of all, to be in lab and do something... I´m new at this but i´m starting, and i love this stuff...

I see in shops what they tell me

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