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General Analog electronics and SMPS are all basically the same

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Advanced Member level 5
Jun 13, 2021
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Hi Guys,
Please could we have an exerpt on “general analog hardware electronics and SMPS” companies stopping damaging themselves?

The owners of such companies are always reluctant to employ new engineers, lest those engineers then run off after seeing the company’s schems and then use them at other companies or competitors….of course, this is total utter nonsense.
This , as you know, is absolute nonsense, having people see the schems , then leave, and work at a competitor, matters not one jot……pretty much all general analog/SMPS companies use the same circuit theory, and any engineer who can understand the schems in one company, could understand them in all others….so its pointless to worry about engineers joining and then leaving.
I have worked at over 40 different electronics co’s, but that doesn’t mean I could compete with any of them on the basis of copying their schems….for one thing….I WOULD DEFFO NOT COPY THEIR SCHEMS……..i would always take a customer spec on face value and design fresh for it, using the widely known analog theories that are spewed all over the internet anyways. As you know, If you copy a schem, then that schem may not have been optimised for its purpose, etc etc.
And why does anyone need to copy a schem anyway?…….it would be like nicking your companies screw drivers so you could use them at a competitor company……why bother?…just use the screw drivers at the next company….they are the same.

So please, can we have a representation, to the industrial bodies, that general electronics companies stop damaging themselves by not cycling enough engineers through their company? And stop fretting over engineers coming in, and then leaving. It does zero damage, and because each engineer brings and drops off his/her own spectrum of knowledge, it is actually more beneficial....... The more the number of electronics engineers who have been cycled through any company, the greater the benefit to that company...the worst electronics companies that you go to, are always those that have only ever employed 1 or 2 electronics engineers....almost inevitably their schems are filled with mistakes, and their failure_return bins are full to overflowing. Thier production failure bins are brimming full.

Goodness knows…I was in the last week of a contract at one place, and a 250W power supply developed a fault…..the chief engineer declared…don’t let the contractor work on it because he’ll see the schem and take it to our competitors when he leaves next week……but the gaffer let me see it anyway because he was too busy…….and it literally turned out to be a linear regulator ……error amp into pass transistors…..bit of emitter degradation for sharing purposes….literally 12 year old kiddy electronics!

I am thinking of sending this to eg the “council for industry”, etc etc, but also to what ever bodies represent industrys in your own country.

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