which one is the most important for a digital engineer?

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Newbie level 6
Sep 30, 2004
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1.The ability to program in verilog or VHDL
2.Familiar with algorithm and system architecture
3.Expert in synopsys front end tools such as dc,vcs,pt

And for you,if you want to employ a digital engineer,what kind of ability should the candidate be of?

many thanks

Hi malfunction:

It's depends on what you do. It's deferent for algorithm engineer, FE

engineer, BE engineer, FPGA engineer!

Thank you wadaye
I am now still a student, I really worry about my future.I will graduate next year and now I am looking for a job.I also want some advice.

1) how to write program in Verilog/VHDL is just a time problem.If you have one or two years writting these source codes,it will be easy for you.
2) The system and high level architecture are so complex that probably will cost a lot of your energy since there are numerous systems and of course you can't grasp all of them
3) How to use tools is another question.Master of one or two specified tools will do your good when finding a job.However,don't spend too much time on this.

The most important in digital design is your innovative idea.Knowing how to write languages,how to use tools are only implementation methods.

I have interviewed some people. I look for concepts and basics of the digital design. The tools is just a click button and a 10th passed out can also do that if he knows the tool flow. But when there is a problem, the analysis requries concepts and basics in the ASIC design.

Highly agree with eexuke, innovative design concept is the most important!

Why only digital? :? And the signals out form your devices? I design analog/digital complex circuits and for me the most important is to know electronics in its every forms (and I never know it enough )
Good luck

If you are product developer then verilog/vhdl is emphasized. If you are system developer as well as researcher, then the algorithm is emphasized. If you are field application emgeneer, then the operation skill of development tools is emphasized.

I think the second one is most important. Verilog or vhdl is just languages,thinking is more important!

Thank you very much
I think I should review all the basic knowledge I have learned before I search for a job.
I decide to devote myself in IC design and I will try my best.
Thank you for all the advice and encouragement.

I think the most important is learning Orcad and protel

It's up to project's requirement, all kinds people are needed

on different position.


All are important if you want to become a expert.
But for a beginner, the ability to understand and analyze the target is important.

Yes, I agree with Zeng Jie-jun.

All are important. If you lack any of them, you are not a global handler.

You must grasp all of them basically, and master one field specially which depend on your interest.

ASIC design !! can u guys help me out plzz... I am beginner into electronics world !
i knw basics of digital design ... wht r other things which u think r required to BECOME a expert in ASIC design ...suggest few books

digital design need many people to do a huge work.

if your job is in front end, then you must Familiar with algorithm and system

architecture, if your jog is in backend, you must can program in verilog or VHDL,

as well as Expert in synopsys front end tools such as dc,vcs,pt.

best regards


"Familiar with algorithm and system architecture" is the most important.

you should grasp verilog or vhdl , and basic algorithm , and the basic flow and tools!!

you know how to spell every necessary word, you know the grammer, but does that mean you can write a wonderful article?

Understanding algorithms and architecture definitely.
Otherwise no question of implementation

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