Which micros family is better AVR or ARM?

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Re: AVR or ARM

Which one is better? it's difficult to answer. I think you should choose the right one based on your detail requirements.



Re: AVR or ARM

Where can you buy ST STR71x? Arrow and Silica apparently do not carry them. Nor Farnell or RS.

Re: AVR or ARM

I get them from www.anglia.com in the uk - they are available in production quantites. The first run of 100 boards has just been done.


Re: AVR or ARM

Today there are more and more ARM based controller,but there are so many hardware bugs be found in TMS470, LPC2xxx and MAC7100. But I can not see the erreta data of STR71x or STR73x ,why? It means ST have more reliable product design for ARM based controller?

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