Which microcontroller to start?( for beginner with my needs)?

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Newbie level 3
Nov 9, 2012
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i am new here,I am seaching for a 8 bit mC to start and a kit .i have been searching for 3 days and i have spent many hours searching in forums,youtube and kits.

I know about avr,pics,it .i dont care so much which of them i will learn.
The most important feature that i want to have is a great tutorial with step by step what to do,how to start step by step,sample code in assembly and c,exaples.

I know both avr and pic have many examples but i didnt find any excelent tutorial how to start step by step.So i will buy the uC which can find how to study and learn because in my university we learn only theoritical things.So if you can suggest me any kit or tell me how you start to learn.
i dont like arduino because its so abstract and all tutorials is about "wiring" and not in c and assembly

I study in university computer enginiring and i have basic knowledge in c programming,electronics,pc architecture and logic design but i have never use any microcontroller.

i want to buy a uC because i like it and i think it will help me understand how a computer works from low to high level and how it co-opperate with the peripherals,what peripherals do and others.Also i want to use both assembly and c.

If you help me to find a solution i would be very grateful

Hello elissaios
For beginner i would suggest 8051.you can find many materials on net and also you will find the books.the cost of micro controller will also be cheap. So start with AT89c51/At89s51 micro controller. i would suggest to refer "The 8051 Micro controller And Embedded Systems Using Assembly And C by Mazidi".It is excellent for beginners.

You are most welcome if you have any doubts. This forum got brilliant guys to solve your Problem

All the Best

Tutorial (15 Chapters)

Tutorial (4 Chapters)

Tutorial (9 Chapters)

Tutorial (7 Chapters)

Tutorial (4 Chapters)

What is a Microcontroller?

AVR Tutorial

You can try with this small uC PIC12F675

First try some easier circuit and smaller uC. Try to make some LED clock, termometer or voltmeter.

If you want to choose 8051 then choose with builtined ADC inside. ADC is useful to have. Newer generation of 8051 have ADC inside (such as 89S51/52 with ADC), but this products is hard to find in markets.

My advice is to start with both AVR and PIC.

For compiler you can use MikroC, or MikroBasic (as very easy), or Atmel Studio 6. Thise compilers support assembler code.

Later if there is some extra money I advice to buy some nice development board for PIC or AVR. You can search Internet for this products, there is lots of nice boards, and dont buy small development board for one or few uC, buy bigger with more capabilities and uC support.

Because You say, you are beginner in uC world, I suggest to have at least two uC programmers, you need programmers to program uC. One for PIC (Microchip) and second for AVR (Atmel). Making of thise two programmers can be DIY exercise and intro in this uC area. Of course if there is some extra floating money in yours pockets you can always buy some commercial programmer.

For PIC is PICKit 2 Clone:

AVR is USBasp:

For books good source is books from author prof. Dogan Ibrahim. Thise books are full of examples with source codes.

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I sugest you start with a RISC core.


start with At8051, and use the debug language

this is very good book

8051 Micro controller And Embedded Systems Using Assembly And C by Mazidi"

start with At8051, and use the debug language

this is very good book

8051 Micro controller And Embedded Systems Using Assembly And C by Mazidi"

What is "Debug language" ? You probably mean on Assembler? :???: I dont think that Assembler is good start for beginner, but who knows.

51 core is not suitable for begginers, due to be CISC architeture, and to have some instructions not too simple, compared to a RISC one.


Sorry Sorry

i mean assembly

What is "Debug language" ? You probably mean on Assembler? :???: I dont think that Assembler is good start for beginner, but who knows.

hi friend

i am a big fan of atmel micro-controller.

i am not here to suggest you, start with atmel micro-controller. but you asked the good web site to learn about micro controller.


this is one of the finest web site to learn about atmel.

one more thing you are ready to study assembly as well as embedded c language.

now a days nobody use assembly language .

i suggest one book which is explain both assembly and c language about all operation in atmel micro -controller.

AVR_Microcontroller_and_Embedded_Systems.pdf by mohammed ali mazidi

all the best

I suggest to start with 8051.
you can go through the book
" 8051 Micro controller And Embedded Systems Using Assembly And C by Mazidi "

Dear elissaios,

I have started with PIC16F676 , MikroC compiler , JDM Programmer & reffered PIC Microcontrollers-Know it all .

I am also new to mc ,so in my opinion to start with a low pin mc and small led projects will be better.

Thanks for all the answers.They have helped me a lot.
Finally,I found a guy at university and he will help me.He has an arduino but he dont use the language "wiring".He programs it in c.So its the same like he use atmega 328p.He is using bootloader to program it.

but I want to buy a avr programmer/debugger because i will buy more that one μC's.Αlso i want to buy an lcd 16x2.
Could you suggest me any good,cheap and popular programmer/debugger and a lcd 16x2?

Not a special lcd but a common because i want to find tutorials

You can buy or get some developer board and get all in one, GLCD, LCD, Programmer/Debugger, lots of leds, adc,..... and always on end you have developer board for learning and making and developing your projects or to test some projects what you find.

now a days nobody use assembly language.

There a several very experienced members of this forum who would sharply disagree with you concerning that statement.

Even today, the most avid professional HLL programmers must occasionally employ Assembly language with its deterministic properties to achieve the requirements of some tasks.

Besides, knowledge of Assembly language can be an invaluable tool when debugging some coding issues, regardless of whether the original source code was in Assembly or C languages.

The most commonly used LCDs are based on the HD44780 or compatible chipsets.

I would suggest researching what is available in your locale and determine whether the chipset in use is indeed HD44780 compatible.

If you still have doubts as the LCD chipset compatible, post a link to the LCDs datasheet, I sure one of us can assist you.

As far as Atmel AVR programmer/debuggers, the most popular is the AVR JTAGICE mkII:


Of course there are significantly less expensive clones available, however your mileage may vary depending on the specific clone.

Another popular and less expensive Atmel AVR programmer/debugger is the AVR Dragon:

Atmel AVR Dragon

List price is $49 USD, however from time to time you can find them on eBay for less.


I will learn assembly for educational reasons.It will help me to understand many things.
No i am a student so the knowledge is what i need.

Guys is it so importan for a begginer to have a in circuit debugger/programmer like avr dragon?
I say that because i have found some kits with bootloader and i maybe i can use emulator /simulator or other programs ??

I know that there are many tutorials about avr but most of them are not very detailed or step by step.
If you know any good tutorial for beginner about avr microcontroller or any very good starter book tell me.

Thanks for the answers i dont ask more

Guys is it so importan for a begginer to have a in circuit debugger/programmer like avr dragon?
It will give you a stronger feeling of the embedded enviroment, and also you can pause the code to take measurements. Furthermore, if a bug appears you can run step by step to find the bug easier.

If you know any good tutorial for beginner about avr microcontroller or any very good starter book tell me.


i think if your having knowledge of 8051 then start with risc architecture based 8 bit microcontroller atmega 16 ,it belongs to avr family of microcontroller. just buy development board and start developing source code with help of datasheet. at the begining you will face some problem while reading datasheet but once you started you will get familiar. all the best

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