which language programming is best?

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I AGREE with the last statement THAT THERE IS NO BETTER LANGUAGE ..it all depends what are you programming .. is not the same to write an script than to write an OPERATING SYSTEM. The level of abstarction is DIFFERENT .

example : try to write a DATA base in assambler !!

but i will like to coment also on the above post
compairing PASCAL and C ..
all the ten points are COMPLETLY MEANINGLESS is like trying to affect colors to NOTIONS to make them appear arguments .

C can be used the same way that pascal is used .C is richer than pascal and less constrict .So is easy to deal with MULTIPLATAFORM ports

C is much richer in POINTERS ALGEBRA which allows ultimatly to deal BETTER with HARDWARE MACHINERY .......
C is much more CUSTUMIZABLE to a particuliar application

I f you learn C you have laerned all


The important thing in the programming Languages are their Varitey (Now a days).
We Have New Many Programming Languages which are Customized for special purposes.

Its Better To Choose the Language that satisfies your needs.
The Ancient Programming Languages are:

But the Important thing is they are still alive and developing.

First i Suggest you to Select a language that meet you needs.
(Eg . Java is Best for MultiPlatForm Programming and is Safe Code with OOP Features)
(Fortran Or MATLAB Script is Good and Easy For Scientific Programming)
(Pascal And Delphi is Good For Rapid Application Programming it is Popular in Eastern Countries Not in West and Europe)

(C And C++ are the Most Popular in the World You Can Find it Compiler On Most
Platforms and MainFrames..... They are Strong Wild Type Languages so they Give you The Power to make Best Programs with Optimized Code for Both Speed and Size Because Of it Wild Type you Must Be a Professional Programmer to Get Out Of the Bug Hells in C.

It is a Little Harder to Learn to the Other Languages But Is the Most Powerful for
Both HardWare and Software Development).

Best Regards

I using Assembly and C at all of my projects.


the best language for ur case is any object oriented programming language ie c++ or java.i suggest u first u go through C then jumps towards any oops language.

yes i think c is the most important language u must learn, using c you can program any software you might need, and you may go to the hardware easily, the book 'c how to program' is a good starting.

C is the most powerful language i have known i think you should lern it and other language keep it for later time.

If u never program before !!!!!!

SO u will have 1'st study how the computer works (what is memory..)
2'nd study the basic lang since it is soso simple
3'rd learn visual basic coz it uses the basic lang and will give u the object orient concept

4'th SURE SURE SURE LEARN C/C++ it is the great lang.

Last if u still reading lol learn Mfc/windows programming


C and C++ is the best language

It provide full access for Hardware as well as software

the strongest feature of C language is the concept of Pointer which other language not support fully


I have studied a lot of visual c++ and OPP, because I used a lot of Windows but now I am going to linux.

Is it possible to program in linux with the same concepts of visual c++ programming? Can I use opp programming in linux or in linux I only use basic structured C?

Yes u can use your existing programming skills ... in linux exactly as in windows.

Yes Of Course C version Is The Best

i think c is the best languge for ever!!!!

If u wanna to program in both Windows and Linux Platform Then i suggest u learn Java because its platform independant. It might be a bit tricky to learn at first but with time u will come to enjoy it.

my friend it is a fact that c is the core of all the operating systems including linux so it is well supported their and you may need alittel time to adapt your skills

best regards

excuse me could anyone tell me how to learn Delphi programming language... or how to get a start with that!
thanks in advance!

I think java is the future for everything ,
you shouldn't just start learning C or C++ now if u intend to be an application developper only , most os's now support java (even SkyOS the least popular has some java support)
java's easy , reliable , but not so speedy , though the java2 pack. did give much speed than the older versions , but it's still a codebyte intepreted

anyway it's urs , find what's easier for your application and go for it


c is always the strongest

ok, i speak fluent C, used it in DOS and for uC's.. Now i need to write a little prog for use on XP machines.
wich software is good for the job. I need a nice graphical user interface. and communication with USB.

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