Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home ?

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Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home

Try Kicad - Open source - Windows & Linux. Search net and find Libraries imported from other Cad systems such as Eagle. Easy to create own Libs.

Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home

Best tool for layout - home use is ICED. It work on Windows XP, have DRC + LVS and now it is free.

It is not like Cadence, but if you will work for some time, you will find out that is good for simple layout task.

Also it is very easy to setup tech file and start work.

Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home

no one will sue you if you are not own a multi-million revenue company

you know what i mean ?
smart say...hehe...

I think Tanner Tools is good.until now, i also am using it for my final project.

is there anyone who can give me the DISadvantages of Tanner Tools?


Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home

Do not forget that if you use a different tool or sometimes a different release all fab specific setups have to be done and verified. That could easy exceed the design effort for a DAC. Further if something goes wrong it is your part. If the cell is in between used in simulation or floorplaning many translation are needed.

You should be careful making this decision if you do not plan to work long term with your own enviroment.

The suggestion is to use either remote terminals, Citrix is very good because it allows disconnect, or use a mirror installation and get the license from work.

Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home

this is good tool for drawing layout . there are also alot of example

Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home

how can i download laker? is there any evaluation tool for laker?

ecs:cohesion for sch (windows)
hspice (windows)
cadence for layout

Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home


I have been using Electric for quite a long time. It is currently supported by Sun.
For simulations LTSpice and ngspice.

I found three of above are good enough for home usage.

Raviprasad K

Re: Which is the best tool for layout and simulation at home

qucs is not bad either, esp. as a free cadware with better schematic capture on linux.

+1 to Cadence suggestions. Very powerful IC design package.

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