Advanced Member level 3

I would like to get some advice from more experienced users in CAN bus protocols. I am facing the problem of choosing a CAN protocol for a new line of ECUs designed for electric vehicles. I have some experience with J1939 but this is more oriented for combustion engines. Browsing the 71 document will show a lot of PGNs but the standard ones are too few to support various parameters which are encountered in electric vehicles.
I tried to have a look at CANOpen but so far I haven't been lucky to obtain them, it seems they are not easy to obtain. Other protocols may be also not free.
So, my question is: which can protocol would be a good choice for this task?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
I would like to get some advice from more experienced users in CAN bus protocols. I am facing the problem of choosing a CAN protocol for a new line of ECUs designed for electric vehicles. I have some experience with J1939 but this is more oriented for combustion engines. Browsing the 71 document will show a lot of PGNs but the standard ones are too few to support various parameters which are encountered in electric vehicles.
I tried to have a look at CANOpen but so far I haven't been lucky to obtain them, it seems they are not easy to obtain. Other protocols may be also not free.
So, my question is: which can protocol would be a good choice for this task?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,