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where to migrate form microchip ?

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Jun 19, 2001
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I need to move from microchip to something with more internal flash, more speed, (20mips) , but want the easy to use, a lot of peripherals. popular(wide user support),

What chip should I use?

On 2001-10-15 21:58, ahgu wrote:
I need to move from microchip to something with more internal flash, more speed, (20mips) , but want the easy to use, a lot of peripherals. popular(wide user support),

What chip should I use?

Except for the 20 mips the answer would be easy, go for the AVR family from atmel. Faster go for scenix ( now ubicom ) .

Best regards,

Uber-powerful chip: Hitachi SH-2 or an even bigger step up with the SH-3

Lots of support and many manufacturers: ARM7

There are always the Motorolas too.... I dig the Hitachi part the most, but I'm working with the ARM7

Check out Texas MSP430 Series.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: zastereo on 2001-10-16 19:17 ]</font>

MSP430 looks good. but is there a c compiler for this thing?

But doesn't the MSP430 series top out
at only 8mhz?



Kalashnikov is right... the MSP420 is SLOW SLOW SLOW! It is designed for extremely low power consumption, not speed.

It is slowly gaining popularity though.

maybe something from Atmel but with ARM core, like AT91 series...

Then there is (or rather Will be) dsPIC from Microchip-low cost DSP, that can be persuaded to use some of the PIC's SOURCE CODE (not binaries)....

There a lot of solutions from Hitachi, NEC, even Philips, Siemens etc. Just surf around and check them out.

If u want more "embedded" speed look for Motorola's ColdFire-Series. These are 68k-Derivatives and so u can get many development-tools.

Check Microcontrollers of cygnal .
The C8051Fxxx is a family of in-system programmable, mixed signal System-on-Chip microcontroller products. They integrate world-class analog, a high-speed (up to 25MIPS) pipelined 8051 CPU, ISP Flash Memory, and on-chip JTAG based debug in each device.

for example 8051F020 Features :

25MIPS 8051 CPU
64k Byte Flash
4352 Byte RAM
External Data Memory Interface
5 16-bit Timers, PCA
64 Port I/O
12-bit ADC at 100ksps; 8 bit ADC at 500ksps
12-bit DACs
Comparators; Reference; Temp Sensor
JTAG Non-Intrusive In-System Debugger
-40 to +85C; TQFP-100 Package

Every thing that you want ,a system on a chip :p
see site :

i think it depends on your final application, if you are intended to use a lot of math, the fastest chips are DSP's. If not, you may tray 32 bit microcontrollers, 16 bit , 8 bit a so on. Check in phillips, they have a heaven of microcontrollers

Try ST they have many micro's now from 8 to 32 bit as fast as you want.

I am using the ST10F168 16 bit, lots of Flash, Ram, peripherals.

You need to be a bit more specific on what you are using it for..

Best of luck in your designs

I have talked to microchip about overclocking the pics and although they will not (obviously) guarentee the parts, they admitted that some designers were using pics upto and beyond 60Mhz this giving almost 15mips, depending on the instruction.
Avr devices are very good and cam easily run at this speed but are very limited in the ram on the smaller mcu's.
The new 18Fxx2 devices are excellent and i would definitely try to overclock these. Especially if you are used to using the PIC architecture.

Hope this helps



what about new ATmega from a*t*m*e*l ??
lots of code, enoucht ram, adc,spi, uart etc. very cost efective ...



I used Fujitsu MB90F497. 16bit CPU ,Low cost(~7$), 1CAN, 2UART, FLASH 125KB, timers,
C compilator, debugger. ATmel Mega more expensive, and less possibility.

Try ST7 micros and hiware compiler. Compiles very compact code.
Micro's come in a large range of sizes, peripherals and speeds, very easy to use.
i/o ports are good, push pull, open drain output, pull up or floating inputs on all ports.


I would choose Atmel 16MHz ATmega AVRs.
AVRs doesn't divide the oscillator clock by 4 like PICs, but performs instructions at full spped (16MHz).
16 MHz AVRs performs almost 16 MIPS since most instructions could be executed in one clock cycle.
With PICs more instructions uses 2, and even up to 4 clock cycles to execute.
This results in a lower MIPS.
Thefore you don't need 20 MIPS on AVRs for same performance as PICs runnig at 80 MHz (that is up 20 MIPS).
Keep in mind that 20 MIPS AVRs is faster than 20 MIPS PICs because AVR code is more compact and most instructions only need one clock cylcle.

From ATmega8515 data sheet ( ):
The ATmega8515 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR
enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle,
the ATmega8515 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system
designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.
The AVR core combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose working registers.
All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing
two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock
cycle. The resulting architecture is more code efficient while achieving throughputs up to
ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers.

If you need faster devives you can use Atmel FPSLIC which runs at 25 MHz (~20 MIPS).
FPSLIC devices combine 5K to 40K gates of Atmel's patented AT40K FPGA architecture, a 20 MIPS AVR 8-bit RISC microprocessor core, numerous fixed microcontroller peripherals and up to 36 Kbytes of program and data SRAM.

Another option is ARM MCUs.

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