Where can I get information on real UWB-receivers?

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Full Member level 5
May 2, 2006
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narrowband receivers contain carrier frequency based downconverters with cascaded ADCs.

If we have an 24 GHz, 2 GHZ bandwith, UWB signal.
Adequate receiver topologies consist of correlation units straigth behind the antenna.

IS IST POSSIBLE TO DOWNCONVERT such a signal (2GHZ bandwith) to an IF.
Lets say from 24 GHz to DC...2 GHz ?

Thanks and Greets elektr0

Re: UWB-Receiver

Hello, well why not?) Could you please describe your problem in details?

Re: UWB-Receiver

Hello UWB-Man,

i think "Direct Spread Spectrum" and "Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum" are just the beginning of what UWB will bring.

I would say, mainly real UWB applications (500MHz to 2 GHz to ...) will use "monocycle time hopping spread spectrum" and familiar techniques.

I dont know the used receiver topologies in great detail, but I think it is based on correlation and matched filters.

If we think of an 24GHz +- 2 GHz UWB signal. Is it possible to downconvert to DC...2 GHz without loosing the information ? Probably, yes. Anyway, there is still the question how to process this DC...2GHz signal. Could we use conventional receivers ? How do we know, which frequency band has to be analysed at a specific time t0 ?

Where can I get information on real UWB-receivers ?

Thank you very much.


Re: UWB-Receiver

See to get information about the UWB transceiver architecture. I understand that you want to prevent a folding upper and lower sidebands of signal spectrum. You should use image-reject method to solve a problem. Please correct me if i didn't understand your problem.

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