Where can I get analog circuit engineer job ?

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Apr 25, 2004
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Lost in my career path


Lost in my career path

It's hard time for IC designer at this time. Maybe you can try other country like China to find your favorate job if you really want one.

Good Luck!

Re: Lost in my career path


I'm so sorry on what is happening on your past. Since you are working on PCB field, don't just quit...wait for your 'gold' time when someone would like to hire as analog designers. Don't be too sad because you can't be analog designers, the most important thing is you are very interested and like to learn more on analog IC!

Jusr reading a book and get knowledge from it is not a very good ways. Since you are familiar with LNA, tried to design other circuit such as Mixer, PLL etc. You can add on your resume that you are very good in your latest design. Maybe this can attract companies to hire you as analog designers!

Don't give up and keep on trying!

Lost in my career path

Try China mainland
There is paying much for analog circuit engineer.

Re: Lost in my career path


Re: Lost in my career path

With the entire earth in economic slow times, most new graduates are having trouble finding a job exactly to their desires. Be happy that you have any job that pays a wage that you can survive on.

Employers are seeking people with many years of successful experience at the product or technology the employers use. This produces higher efficiency of using human resources than hiring learners.

Once the economy improves, the employers will be able to hire learners and people with little experience and still operate at a profit.

Lost in my career path

There are mainly three cities in China have this kind of opportunities: Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen,
try www.51job.com, you will find a lot.

Good Luck!

Lost in my career path

i think waht u should do in the man time..is to implement some more projects...cause...if u have to convince someone of your knowledge u will be able to do so with some practical work only,..,always remember that person wins ,who thinks he can win.its does not matter how good you were and how good u will be...perform well on the d-day and u will be through...and if possible learn using some more tools...all the best....

Re: Lost in my career path


there are many places on the internet to find things to help you.

you can always read books and do problems and get the solutions to all the problems from this board.

you can also incorporate a small business for yourself and just design things at home with CAD software and practice that way -- simulate, read papers from research and just keep trying. and put that on your resume, you are learning and keeping fresh, if an employer asks that interviews you u show them what you did.

that way, you can get hired, try it ! there is more than enough here and on the net to learn from...

take care !

Re: Lost in my career path

Freescale in Tianjing need analog IC designer. You may try. Take care

Lost in my career path

i say take any job in analog IC company that will entertain (and pay) you until you can move up. working for PC board company you get farther away every day.

maybe you would like product engineer - here you will debug other designer's mistakes, a lot of fun! also you will learn the process and IC blocks that this company uses, and probably help making IC mask rev and design assistance. not design, but it's not bad for a little while. make yourself valuable and you will move up.

Re: Lost in my career path

You can try for jobs out here in Korea. There are a lot of analog design companies in and around Seoul, who are currently facing a shortage of
analog engineers, as the fresh graduates prefer to work for big companies like Samsung. The pay is decent and it's also a good opportunity to experience a new culture. My **broken link removed** is also on the lookout for engineers and is more than willing to accept new-comers. i don't have any list of companies, but that shouldn't be hard to find on the net. But yeah, don't get stuck in a job that you don't like, and lose your way. Open your horizons and you'll find a lot of opportunities.

Re: Lost in my career path

Hi cmosbjt,

Why don't you try Linear Technologies in Singapore, I think there they are developing DC Control circuit and other ADC/DAC stuff mainly in US.


Re: Lost in my career path

Hi cmosbjt:

I feel your pain. When I got out of school, I faced the same situation. Instead of settling for a job that didn't aspire me or waiting out for an opportunity that might not exist, I came to China to join a small IC startup. From what I can see, China craves for talents in any engineering field.

Heard from my coworker, if you register at www.ednchina.com, they will sent you job opportunties in email. This is UNverified b/c I didn't try it myself but I doubt my coworker would lie to me.

Also, on www.ebnchina.com, they have a link on jobs; opportunities at Freescale mentioned by another member are also listed.

Here are some articles on IC design industry in China. The 2nd one has a list of companies in five of the hottest application/products.

**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

Good luck.

Re: Lost in my career path

Hello Friends,

I am also in the same condition as CMOSBJT and I was wondering when companies start hiring new grad.


Re: Lost in my career path

www.eetchina.com helps too.
I guess you can read chinese?
Anyway, good luck.

Lost in my career path

I have been looking for an analog IC design job in Singapore for more than 1 year, but fail. Then I came back to China, I am a Chinese.

If you are a Singaporean, you have time to find a good job. Good luck!!

Re: Lost in my career path

In Zhangjiang ,Shanghai,there are many small IC design houses which need analog/mix-signals designers,but experienced people is prefered,you can have a try,good luck!

Re: Lost in my career path

i also want to find a job in Sheunghai, but i am quite new graduate from ic master course also, do they employ

Re: Lost in my career path

I was in the same boat few months back as cmosbjt. I took an intern job in hardware engineering. Within three months, I managed to get an interview for analog/RF design engineer within the same company and got selected. So no need to lose heart over not finding the job you want. Take and cherish the one you have and keep trying (in my case, within the company) to get the job you want. I had no idea about PCB design, testing, and debugging when I got out of school. I designed OTA, LNA, MIXER, PA, VCO, FILTERS, COMPARATOR and considered myself a good analog designer. If you have "IT" in you, you will land the job you want even in these bad times for IC designers. I did PCB design, testing, debugging for three months but never let go of analog stuff, kept reading and reading more and more until I landed a job I wanted. So guys, stop whining and get to work!

I hope my little success story cheers few of you and brings some comfort. Adios!

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