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What's the replacement for 4060b IC component?

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Newbie level 1
Newbie level 1
Sep 26, 2007
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Hello, I'm new to electronics as well as the site. I'm trying my hand at an 18 LED flasher thing-a-majig and it has a 4060b ic component. I know parts are cheap, but I collect everything (my wife loves that ya know) and have all sorts of different components lying around. Is it possible to substitute 1 for another say like a 4066b ic, or any other and still get the same effect? There are so many sites I'm sure that have the answers, but time and patience are not my strongest attributes. Could anyone tell me what my possiblities are?? Or just help me to understand it all a little better. Thanks. I have a feeling I'll be using this site quite a bit.:D

Re: IC wonder????

i am not sure if i fully understand your question, but it is possible to replace one IC
with another one. You have to make sure that the new ic has similar electrical charateristics to the original and both ics perform the same function. The pin out of the ic is also very important. You usually look at the data sheet to figure it out.
By looking up 4066b ic on the internet i found that it has four transmission gates
all you need to search for is transmission gates... find ic numbers and see if you have it in your inventory

TC4S66F - four of these could help you

74HCT2G66DP is also a possibility

but these are options to implement in your design, not an exact replacement for the ic... they have 1 0r 2 transmission gates.

hope this helps

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