What's the future for analog designer in finance crisis?

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Advanced Member level 4
Sep 3, 2004
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So many guys will lost jobs.
It is a crazy time.

Analog will always be in demand.. Be it recession or not.. Even when market was booming Analog engineers were in demand.. I mean good quality Analog designers!

Engineers(All) will always be needed.
Some times times are tough, so you might have to go to a company that is a
defense contractor for a few years....

But Engineers bring the future to the Human Race.

Which laptop would you rather use. (the one on the left or right ?)

which Plane do you want for your army?
**broken link removed**

Also I have been thinking lately that all us Engineers should be come politicians!
We know how to solve problems, we only use the truth and facts to create new
things/fix problems, we are 10Trillion times more ethical than lawyers or
Businessmen, and we are far more logical and intelligent.....

That's all true... but engineering and politics are not so coherent domains?

Anyone lose job or get salary cut in this crisis?

The future will stay bright as long as you can convince management that you are designing good products that will sell like grazy after the crisis.

So just try to work on projects that make sense. I think a lot of nice projects with big engineering challenges and therefore great risk will be canceled by management.

Making money with IC design is becoming more and more difficult.

More and more parents are suggesting offsprings going into financial field.

Why is this so....I truly do not understand this... A friend of mine(Master in EE gone to the dark side.... now MBA) told me the reason MBA's get more then Masters or PhD in EE is that there is an easy way of interviewing an EE and seeing if they know there stuff..... question the crap out of them!!.. so thus you get lower pay since they can find the good and not higher the bad...

BUT, when your an MBA they can't really ask you questions on the interview so thus they just pay higher to attract the "good" MBAs... Does this make any sense.....Its no kidding parents are suggesting to go into financial stuff... how can you interview them as well.......

Any one agree or disagree?

Try to think different, such a inventor not a mercenary employee

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