what is the working of AVR in a Generator ?

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I don't know what the "prime" generator set up does but I have worked on Diesel generators of about 500KVA ratings and the main problem we had with them was that the speed governor hunted,... Frank
You will probably find that the diesel was fairly well loaded so that fluctuations in the alternator's load were redily apparent in the diesel's operation.
Most decent AVR's have a sensitivity or speed adjustment that determins how quickly it should respond to changes in electrical load. If it's set to high then it will respond to its own changes causing "hunting" in either the electrical load, or in the case of a diesel nearing it maximum output, rpm

Hi Everybody,
May I get the block diagram or circuit diagram of AVR for Alternator?
I want to undestand the function of it . I have an AVR but it is sealed with a black material.


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