What is the power spectrum and the frequency spectrum ?

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Re: psd

Frequency spectrum, I think is not the correct term. Because any function ploted in frequency domain is a frequency spectrum. Power spectrum is the variation of power of a signl with all the frequencies in the signal. Like, sine wave has only one frequency of operation. Then the power spectrum of a sine wave is a delta pulse
Re: psd

Hi Friend,

The word spectrum means a distribution plot of "intensity" of individul components of the signal in question. This said, a Frequency Spectrum would mean a plot of intensity (or magnitude) of individual components (compare with Fourier Series)versus frequency.

Like wise, For a given signal, the power spectrum gives a plot of the portion of a signal's power (energy per unit time) falling within given frequency bin(s).

Hope this helps....!

Re: psd

Wat i guess from q is:
power Spectrum: It shows the distribution of power over a range of frequencies.
Frequency Spectrum:In this,We analyze the system(or device) over different frequencies.
Hope this explanation help
Any correction or further explanation will be helpful.
Re: psd

PSD is power spectrum density and shoes the amount of signal power in each frequency interval.
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