what is the meaning of slack

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Is it related to the timing analysis? If so, then I think it means the time between data launch/arrival and data captured/requirement.


It's hard to answer the question properly with no context to work with, but in general, slack means 'extra' or 'more than you need'.

You could refer to slack in a piece of cable - meaning that it's a few cm. longer than necessary so that the cable is loose rather than being under tension. Slack in a project schedule would mean extra time and/or money to deal with unexpected problems or issues.


hi Ed , i think you are talking about slag in the HT wires of electricity for distribute the energy..


please explain "slack" in detail

A simple search in this forum yield ~500 posts for the term slack.
An even more simpler search in google gives a wikipedia link which explains STA and slack concepts in detail.

Why the heck do you post such questions. Its like as if you are interviewing us. Explain this in detail and explain that in detail. I have seen several post where newbies just keep on pounding interview questions one after another until they get a job and take off rather than honestly contributing something. They don't spend any time reading any books or course materials and just want the answers.
Lazy lumps like you make this forum a mess. Please try to use this more responsibly. Do your homework and research something before posting such questions.

How may other eda members encourage questions like this "explain slack, timing report, standard cell etc.." ?
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I agree with joglekar. I think we should encourage them to read basic concepts first by themselves. rather than posting silly questions which doesnt need any hardcore knowledge but just the common sense.

Anyways, harry singh. (Still i would ecourage you to sit and read a book on STA)

Here is the explanation : Just think about it, in another way. I hope you must be a cricket fan right. So, Simply think it that way. Many times it happen that while playing a shot a batsman end up in giving loose edges which sometimes creates problem.(It usually hap with everybody). So that bowler who bowled the ball (is the arrival time) and the bastman (in order to play the shot perfectly needs to react at the stipulated time), Which is called (Required time). So if he(The bastman) fails to do so end up in giving loose edges. Thus, the difference in these times which made him give the loose edge is called The "SLACK".

It is a generic term dude. Why dont you grap a dictionary and check the meanings before posting such questions here.


Its ok guys..i am new one in it. will take care next time . cool

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