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[SOLVED] what is the difference between MAX232 and RS232

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RS-232 is an interface standard.
MAX232 is a component for building RS232 hardware.
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There is no difference in the RS232 format. Max RS232 is simply an IC with built in charge pump facility to give the required + - voltage levels for the RS232 standards. RS232 can be used at logic levels at both ends of the transmission link. You must never mix the two, you cannot connect a standard serial port to logic directly. Although it is possible to receive data that way, transmitting to logic without conversion will destroy it due to the voltage levels and polarity used. Hence ICs like max 232 are made to do exactly that that sort of conversion. FTD1232R sounds familiar but I cannot remember for the moment what it is, senility kicking in I think, google is your friend.

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