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[SOLVED] What is the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control?

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Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ? FvM said I wanted an adaptive slope compensation with 0.5*Soff(slope of the inductor during the switch off) that is why I reset the slope compensation of the peak current controller
th purpose of the design to have a crossover frequency of 30KHz of the complete closed loop and I have used a type 2 compensator as it is the most used in peak current mode with the definition of the pole-zeroes by the means of k-factor approach.
cataM, I have the same circuit as in post #15 and #1 ,I have just used the signal From/Goto instead of closing the loop by wires.
my circuit works only if I set an initial value for the capacitor

Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

this is the circuit adapted but still I get the same oscillation, i have tried an initial valut of the capacitor to 0V with an initial start of no load to check the behaviour, I found out that the output voltage goes to the same value here which around 55V(goes up to 55V and down to 4V with load starting and stays 55V during the initial start without a load)


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Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

You can see that the oscillation also occurs with disabled slope compensator. Limiting the peak current controller duty cycle to e.g. 80 % stops it.
Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

ok thanks fot the hint. but does this my circuit works in reality with the compensator for the chosen crossover frequency? what I want to know, is it a PLECS problem or ther is something wrong in my design? because it seems correct for me the compensator designb bu I have to set initial value for the capacitor!
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Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

I don't think that it's a Plecs problem, you can expect similar behavior in real hardware. It's related to Iref exceeding the linear modulator range.
Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

sorry I don't understand what do you mean by exceeding the linear modulator range? compensator transfer function is supposed to help the plant to be faster with small overshoot, I have ploted the complete transfer function plant*compensator and shows a perfect expected result and the crossover frequency is met but if i use in the PLECS it does not give the same result which is not normal in my sense! how can the theoritcal calculation give good result but implementing it is not giving wrong result meanwhile i am refering to the same circuit?
here are (fc=30KHz):
bode plot of the plant without a compensator plantBode.png
bode plot of the compensator:compensatorBode.png
transfer function of the compensator :compensatorTransferF.JPG
bode plot of the complete system with the same compensator:bodePoltComplete.png
as you can notice i have a phase of the complete system that goes till -148 and from the book i am using it says it is ok as long as it does not reach -180 before the chosen crossover frequency.
I have tried fc of 5KHz and it works perfectly, I believe there is something related to this phase of -148, I think it should be greater than -135 for all frequencies before the crossover frequency fc!

Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

I'm referring to the time domain solution. You can see that compensator output exceeds the Iref range for useful boost operation. That's why constraining the duty cycle makes it work. A more specific means could be to limit the compensator output.

It's not sufficient to have a useful frequency characteristic, the circuit must also be able to perform a regular start up and not being upset by source or load transients.
Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

ok, so the frequency characteristic is not enough as you said which means if I understood that k factor approach is not applied just by choosing any crossover frequency . my question is how can I have then circuit for a chosen frequency and applying the k factor approach so it can perform a regular start up as you said? because from the literture I have they are using only the k factor approach, i used PI controller and it works fine but I want something that determine the crossover frequency like the k method!

Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

I must confess that I didn't yet look into the transfer function details. My general control system experience tells that large signal behavior is a design field on its own and should be tackled directly. Most controllers have auxiliary functions like anti-windup and soft start. Exceeding the linear range of a control system can cause additional forms of instability, like the relaxation oscillations observed with your original system.
Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

thank you for ou help, I will look for the auxiliary functions you mentions and try deepen more so I can make my system work for high frequencies and probably come back here to discuss it

Re: What are the best software to simulate a boost converter with current control ?

If you are a beginner in Circuit Designing, Start with Multisim or Proteus. Proteus is a good tool for beginner. It has both Simulation & PCB Layout deigning. Multisim is user friendly Simulation only tool. There are more video & tutorials for the mentioned tools in net.You can easily learn through it.

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