What is the best OS (Operating System) to you

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Linux is better than windows.
Unix families OS are best.
but the disadvantage of linux is just professional software..........
in another vision the professional software in linux are going to be better.
linux hasn't limitation except his community quantity (with better quality ).

Windows XP. - Lot of programs for every subject.

actually there some professional software available for linux like MATLAB or Maple or .... many pure industerial softwares some of them just run on a unix server............in another hand you can use wine this program be able to use install ,... of many windows programs it's not a VM you can also use a Virtual Machine but wine is another thing.
Maya is a great program in Film industry and it runs and work at least 30 percent more efficient on linux than windows so most of Film maker studios use Linux (they used irix -a Unix family also- before)
so linux is actually better platform but it take time to companies release their software on linux platform it's another but very fast quality market.

DOS 3.3 was the one for me when it allowed me to use a 1.44mb floppy

Those were the days, when I actually interacted with the OS & worked with it.

Since then everything has been a blur...

I said before that the main problem with linux is professional software (mean: elec base Softwares).
but supporting linux by developers for their software is growing rapidly.
nowadays it is a bit hard to call Pro softwares as one of linux weak points.
in some areas esp for server side professional softwares with considerable stability for industries usually released under linux platform ,.... linux has both stability/network/cost features.
here are some:

AWR Microwave Office,Visual System Simulator,...

many more you can add more to this list i just do very quick search for 6 software and found 4 of them availabe for linux the maybe exist/not.


Linux advantages:
1)Cost less for both developer and user because of many open and usually free development tools and platforms and also cost less for maintaining and upgrade
2)more advance and more easier for work with net and server/client
3)more secure platform and more secure about c....r....a...c...k also
4)more stable especially for industry purpose
5)open source community if that software be open like Maple,VHDL,...
6)better resource management

1)less user esp in non computer engineering areas

Windows XP is useable. UNIX is not

Every Linux, espescially Ubuntu
/Running ubUntu 7.10/

mac os x and the virtual machine software parallel desktop which allows you to run windows xp at full speed in a window...
drag and drop between mac and xp
xp for elec cad programs
mac for the rest graphics internet no virus no adware

Absolutely Mac OSX!

and unfortunately sometimes a pc with XP (not every dev. program runs on OSX....)
(No, I'm still working with a G4 machine, next one will be an Intel Mac.)

I would say Linux, but has to stick with Win XP as most of the applications that I use is only available on this platform....

i've never used linux, don't know whether it's better or not..

am using windows xp and it is doing the job..

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