What is the best for GUI

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i prefer matlab its just easy and provides u a good gui

Try PowerBASIC or PureBasic, they're powerfull compilers with complete GUI support.
I like them too much

Personally I find Perl (with Tk) GUIs useful for PC interfacing to hardware. It works for me because I know Perl (and its Tk binding) already, so I don't have to learn a new language.

The advantage of Perl is that it's very high level - higher than VB, C#, Delphi, Matlab and C++, and thus it requires less code to write the same things.

Interfacing to C DLLs is easy with the Win32::API module (see for example https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2006/12/04/compiling-c-dlls-and-using-them-from-perl/)

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