What does an analog layout designer/engineer do?

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Jan 21, 2005
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Can you tell me what does an analog layout designer/engineer do ? how are the job oppurtunities in this field ?

Thanks !!

Analog Layout ?

analog layout designer's work is layout anolog circuits according with the circuit scheme desiged by circuit engineer. if you can do well, salary is very high, but i dont think it is a good job,

Re: Analog Layout ?

Analog layout is an art!!
You will learn by experience, highly paid and many times involve lot of iterations....

Re: Analog Layout ?


A layout guy is doing the backend part of the flow. It includes layout, DRC, LVS, extraction sometimes, cad developpement, tape out, support on tool for the team he works with ... and a lot lot more.
There is a lot of kind of analog layout. In some you can get pay very well if you have some experiences ... better than some designers sometimes. RF and HF for example ...
But it's always up to you for any job to sell you well.
About opportunities ... there is always opportunities ... it depends what you want to do and how far you are ready to move. I know some companies which never stop to hire people even in the bad days.

"but i dont think it is a good job"
Tarkyss. I'm getting tired of people like you who spend there time to talk an talk about anything even if they know nothing about what they are talking about. Layout engineer is a great job ... but never easy because of people like you...
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    Points: 2
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Analog Layout ?

you know layout?
i spend four years on layout, including my doctor paper. layout, drc, lvs, extraction, place and route, digital layout, analog layout, all i did, i even studied some algorithms on layout
what you do?
i agree it is a chanllege work. if you want to layout for all of your life, it is good, otherwise, i dont suggest you choose it as your job

i think only two kind of people will suggest people to do layout work
one is he is very very good at layout
another is he did nothing on layout, only studied some books or heard from others
i can bet
i dont belong to the two kinds, so i suggest you dont choose it

Re: Analog Layout ?

Tarkiss, yes I'm doing layout for more than 7 years now in different startup big companies or even services companies in different countries in analog, RF digital, cmos and bicmos ... I use to teach layout to new guy (including doctors...)in a lot of companies and that was quite interesting and succesfull. So I can tell you when you know a little bit what you're talking about people get interesting in layout very quickly ...
So I really suggest everyone who wants to do this job to go ahead and don't listen to people. That's a really great job and I would be happy to tell more for those who are interested.
Again Tarkiss 4 years or even 30 years of layout or anything means NOTHING!! What means something is the fact, the results, the physical stuff. I don't know what you did in layout but I can tell you the way you're speaking you never did layout as I or some of the guy who are doing this job did. 4 years it's like nothing, 7 years is almost nothing , 10 years and you can tell I'm doing layout.
So to go back to the main question, yes there are opportunities in analog layout and sure there are more opportunities than in design today ...

Re: Analog Layout ?

boy ....!!

your views are confusing me...!!!1

But i guess i would go for it...Cos i Love challenges...and surely would master Layouts someday....

A Sincere thanks to both of you !!!

Cease fire !!!


Re: Analog Layout ?

Analog layout is an art!!
It needs much more experience!!

Analog Layout ?

yes, i think analog is an art too, as leonlin said it needs much more experience,
yes four years does mean nothing. in addition, if you want to do it well, you must be very careful, and great patient and perseverance are all necessory.
so as i said, if you are really like it and want to take it as your whole life job, it is good. otherwise, i dont think it is a good job for you, so i dont think what i said is wrong, only two kinds of people will suggest you do it
franck, so now what only i can say to you, is that you dont belong the second, maybe you belong to the first, you really like it

Re: Analog Layout ?

Hi, Franck...
I read the conversation between you and Tarkiss, and it gave me much impression. I am a Master student, I don't have much experience in layout. Even One year ago, I don't know about the layout. When I started to learn layout, and try to do it, I was very interested in layout. In this one semester I've been learning Layout Algorithms, and doing one project, it's about Automatic Layout Generation for CMOS Op-Amp. I wrote codes in Perl and Bash languages in UNIX ( almost 3500 lines, first time to wrote codes that exceeds thousand lines, so excited!....But still need to improve), this codes read from DRC file so that no violation in Design Rules, and read schematic netlist to automatically generate the layout of Op-Amp. This Unix server invokes Mentor Graphics tool. The final result hasn't been achieved, like floorplanning is still poor...but can automatically generate the two-stage Op-amp in Common-centroid layout.

This semester is almost finished, this has been the most busy semester because of this project, it drives me crazy. But when I got the almost close result and I am so happy with that. Maybe I will choose Layout for my future career, I don't have much experience but I think I really love this and willing to spend my time on this. And also I really like drawing something since I was small, especially Engineering Drawing was my best subject before, like to draw 3D metal or something else. As Tarkiss said, may be you also agree, layout is an Art. I love Art too, and I like imagination...

Sorry to wasting your time, but do you think I choose my future career in layout is correct or it is just a bullshit...I don't have chance to do this? I have less than 1 one year experience in layout......

Thank you!

i m totally agree with u Mr. franck ... i recently joined a semiconductor company... as analog layout engineer.. !!
and its a great n challenge for me... i hope i will do best in this profile... and u give me the confidence to do this...
and i think designing is totally depends upon... imagination, innovation and arts and like i totally disagree with Tarkiss ...
his thoughts are full of demotivation... !! every person have his own scale of imagination n thinking ... and thats we called smart work ... so i love this job.

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