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What after PIC16 series?

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Aug 10, 2012
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I have learnt programming most of the peripherals of the PIC16F877A MCU.

What should I go for next? I am planning for the NXP's LPC ARM microcontrollers. Am I on the right path or should I learn the PIC18 series first?

Any alternative suggestions are also welcome.


I have learnt programming most of the peripherals of the PIC16F877A MCU.

What should I go for next?


Thats a bold statement - I wonder how long you have been programming the pic16Fs ?
If you have learnt Most things, what are the ones you have not, and why not ?

Reading your post it sounds to me like you are trying to get a wide experience of micros, a view to gaining work in micros ?

If so are you creating a portfolio of your work to date so you can show employers what you have done.
Employers regularly listen to tales of what people say they know about, but presenting your actual work is always impressive.

While you say you have programmed most of the peripherals have you actually programmed a complete multi-function project to show off your learnt skills.

As for which micro next, perhaps find out what type of micro large companies in your area are buying, either from their job adverts or asking your big local component supplier which chips they sell most of.

Ensure that you've gained sufficient expertise. Make sure you can use the PIC16F877A for complex situations, utilizing multiple peripherals in the same circuit. Make sure you can design algorithms for various required purposes and that you can design the algorithm and can write the code for situations previously "unknown" to you: take up multiple projects, preferably ones similar to commercial products available on the market. See if you can complete these properly. If so and you are confident of your abilities, you may proceed to other controllers like ARM or other PIC series. The dsPIC33 series is interesting. There's also the PIC32.

Hope this helps.

If you have learnt Most things, what are the ones you have not, and why not ?

Reading your post it sounds to me like you are trying to get a wide experience of micros, a view to gaining work in micros ?

If so are you creating a portfolio of your work to date so you can show employers what you have done.
Employers regularly listen to tales of what people say they know about, but presenting your actual work is always impressive.
I have not worked with SPI,I2C and CCP( I couldn't find the necessary hardware). Yes I am indeed trying to get a wide experience of micros. I aspire to work in the field of embedded systems. I hope that by the end of this semester(I am an undergrad student) I have an impressive portfolio.

As far as multi-function projects are considered, I haven't been able to come up with an idea that involves every peripheral of the MCU. I am currently working on some projects using the PIC16 micro.

I have not worked with SPI,I2C and CCP( I couldn't find the necessary hardware).


Things like SPI I2C,CCP, PWM are some of the Pics key functions.
Without good knowledge of their function and practical use I would say you have still a lot to learn on the humble 16F.
They are all features common to most other makes of micros.

You can buy both SPI and I2C memory chips for a dollar or so to practice on.

Would have thought you would also be using a decent simulator program that has a good library of parts for you to use; would have thought your college uses them ?

The point about a multi fuction project , I wasn't meaning it had to use Every last function of the chip, but more that you can design and produce a complete working program that uses several of them ; same as Tahmid has just mentioned.

For project you could design and build a development board for a Pic16F and program up a chip to show all its functions like lcd, keypad, usart to pc link , external eeprom etc etc.


Which particular controller should I go ahead with - ARM7, ARM Cortex M3 or PIC18?

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