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voltage booster needed

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 8, 2005
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I need a circuit which can boost voltage and current from a low voltage and maintain it without fluctuations..could someone please help :)

here are some ideas:
If all you need is to increase voltage you can build a voltage multiplier with some diodes and capacitors. I dont remember the exact circuit, but you can find it in any book that describes diodes.

Consider building a regulated power supply, eliminates problem of dealing with batteries.

Check out this link, it shows you a circuit where you can control output voltage.

**broken link removed**

Do some research in the internet.

hope it helps

Such a circuit doesn't exist =) All voltage boosters will cause at least some fluctuations under load, even the most highly regulated ones. You're never going to get as much current draw out of the boosted circuit as you would out of the native voltage source without voltage drop. Basically the more highly regulated you need a boosted voltage the more power you're going to end up wasteing. If you could explain what kind of voltage (AC or DC) you need boosted and what kind of current you're drawing it would define the problem (and hence the sollution) a lot more clearly.

You said that you want to boost both voltage and current ?
I don't think you can do this with a dc/dc converter unless you can find a topology that has an efficiency of more than 100% :D Am I misreading your request?

Best regards,

I think is impossible to boost up both voltage and current, since you cannot increase the power (P =IV). Am I right? Or maybe you can amplify them?

If you want to boost the voltage, I think you can use boost or buck-boost dc-dc converter. I think any power electronic books have these circuits.

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