VHDL flash memory controller

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Jul 3, 2008
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Hi Guys,

Does anyone know of any nand flash ONFI vdhl code, or does anyone have any experiance in interfacing nand flash to fpga's without using an ip core.

For my masters project i need to build a camera system for a small satellite for remote E observation. I need to interface a camera module to the FPGA "ACTEL" because of flash base and some nand flash also becasue of flash based device.

The camera will take pictures and store directly to the flash which will later then be read out and transmitted to earth.

Kind Regards


What's the interface of your nand flash? It may be SPI.
You can implement SPI protocol as bus controller and build main controller which interfaces with your camera interface.

You read the data from camera interface with main controller and save the data to nand flash with your nand flash interface protocol(eg. SPI)

Good luck..

A great a reply....

HI Ilgaz, No the Nand Flash is interfaced directly through its 16x bus. eg parallel.

I have coded a big state machine for the controller but havnt tested it yet, as I have been only using VHDL for 2 months now my coding technique is a bit sloppy but I am trying to write it in such a way to be completely synthesizeabe RTL if you may. So I was looking for some code to test or a opencore to modify.

But it seems there is not many support/code availible for asynch flash mem.

I can post my code... Its just abit big i whould say.


Micron is providing NAND-Flash controller VHDL code for registered users.

Thx for the replies guys,

I looked at the VHDL code from Micron as I am registered there but I am not at a stage in VHDL development to decipher someone else's code. the micron code is not written straight for for newbs like me. I am actually finding it a bit easier to wirte my own code. Just hope it works.


the micron code is not written straight for newbs like me
The author is not trying to be instructive or at least understandable, as with most IP sources...

Some time ago, I considered to use the code for a NAND interface, but then decided to use NOR flash for the particular
application. The basic memory interface is rather simple, but the ECC functionality isn't, I think. However if you intendend to
use your own code, it's better to build everything from the scratch, perhaps using the suggested ECC operation flow charts.

There is still allot of functionality that i need to add to my code like the ECC etc. But initially I want to be able to read, write a page and to get a structured addressing system going then if I know its working ill build the rest from there. I should be finished later today or tomorrow with the basic structure of read id, read page, write page, erase, and status read, and to add sufficient comments to my code then i will post it.


Parallel interfaces are easiest interfaces, I think.
I guess, you have a chip select, R/W, reset ,data ports and address ports etc...
If you experienced a little, you can understand the basics of IC interfaces...

In system designs, most important thing is to divide whole architecture into multiple parts, and each part has a duty.
Think of your whole system and try to divide it into parts. As I explained before, you need a bus controller part, camera interface controller part and main controller part.
First, try to implement bus controller for nand flash..
If you give the name of nand flash that you use, I can help you while implementing its interface...

Good bye...

Hi I am using a Micron MT29F2G16AAD flash device. The first VHDL book I read in Nov 09 said I must rather try to write code for easy portabilty and also RTL to avoid trying to solve un synthisizeable code.

Its alot of code but large parts are repitative code,

Here's my CODE
-- nand_flash.vhd
-- Jacques Kleynhans 17/01/10

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity NAND_FLASH is -- entity declaration
    port (
            clk         : in std_logic;							-- Input clock of the system is 40 MHz
            mem_clk     : inout std_logic; 						-- Clock generated by the pll1 to be 66.667MHz
            rst_low     : in std_logic; 						-- Reset of system is normally low
            nand_cad    : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 	-- CAD: command,address and data before ff
            nand_rdy    : in std_logic; 						-- Signal from the memory device, only accesible when high
            nand_opr    : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); 		-- Select between rd/wr/erase/rd_id/rd_st 
            nand_ce     : out std_logic;						-- 
            nand_cle    : out std_logic;
            nand_tri_en : out std_logic;
            nand_ale    : out std_logic;
            nand_we     : out std_logic;
            nand_re     : out std_logic;
            ready       : out std_logic

            --nand_wp     : out std_logic
            --nand_lock   : out std_logic


end entity NAND_FLASH;

architecture ARCH of NAND_FLASH is

------------------- pll1 instantiation -----------------------
component pll1

port(POWERDOWN : in std_logic;
CLKA : in std_logic;
LOCK, GLA : out std_logic);
end component;

type STATE_TYPE is

(idle, rst_1 , rst_2, rst_3, -- reset
 rid_1, rid_2, rid_3, rid_4, rid_5, rid_6, rid_7, rid_8, rid_9, -- read id
 prog_1, prog_2, prog_3, prog_4, prog_5, prog_6, prog_7, prog_8, prog_9, prog_10, prog_11, prog_12, prog_13, prog_14, prog_15, prog_16, prog_17, prog_18, prog_19, prog_20, prog_21, prog_22, prog_23, prog_24,
 read_1, read_2, read_3, read_4, read_5, read_6, read_7, read_8, read_9, read_10, read_11, read_12, read_13, read_14, read_15, read_16, read_17, read_18, read_19, read_20, read_21,
 stat_1, stat_2, stat_3, stat_4, stat_5, stat_6 ); --State list program page
signal state_reg, state_next: state_type;
signal nand_cad_reg, nand_cad_next: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

signal nand_ce_buf, nand_cle_buf, nand_tri_buf, nand_ale_buf, nand_we_buf, nand_re_buf: std_logic;  
signal nand_ce_reg, nand_cle_reg, nand_tri_reg, nand_ale_reg, nand_we_reg, nand_re_reg: std_logic;

signal counter : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);


     ------------Port mapping of variables to I/O -----------------

pll1_1 : pll1 port map(POWERDOWN => '1',CLKA => clk, GLA =>mem_clk);

-- setting registers and states to initial conditions

    process(mem_clk, rst_low)


        if (rst_low = '0') then

            state_reg <= idle;
            nand_cad_reg <=  (others => '0');

            nand_ce_reg <= '0'; --always low
            nand_cle_reg <= '0';
            nand_tri_reg <= '0';
            nand_ale_reg <= '1';
            nand_we_reg <= '1';
            --nand_re_reg <= '0';

         elsif (rising_edge(mem_clk)) then
            state_reg <= state_next;
            nand_cad_reg <= nand_cad_next;

            nand_ce_reg <= nand_ce_buf; --always low when working with 2gig flash single die
            nand_cle_reg <= nand_cle_buf;
            nand_tri_reg <= nand_tri_buf;
            nand_ale_reg <= nand_ale_buf;
            nand_we_reg <= nand_we_buf;
            nand_re_reg <= nand_re_buf;

          end if;

     end process;

-- next state and functional data path routing

    process(state_reg, nand_opr, nand_rdy, nand_cad, nand_cad_reg) --sensitivity list

        nand_cad_next <= nand_cad_reg;

        counter <= counter;

        ready <= '0';

        case state_reg is

            when idle =>

                counter <= (others => '0');
            if nand_rdy = '0' then
                state_next <= idle;


                if nand_opr = "000" then --Reset state
                    state_next <= rst_1;

                elsif nand_opr = "001" then --Read ID state

                    state_next <= rid_1;

                elsif nand_opr = "010" then --Read page state

                    state_next <= read_1;

                elsif nand_opr = "011" then --Write Page state
                    state_next <= prog_1;
                elsif nand_opr = "100" then --Erase Block state

                    state_next <= idle;

                elsif nand_opr = "101" then --Read status state

                    state_next <= stat_1;

                elsif nand_opr = "110" then --Reserved state 1

                    state_next <= idle;

                elsif nand_opr = "111" then --Reserved state 2

                  state_next <= idle;

                else  -- any other character combinations

                    state_next <= idle;

                end if;

            end if;

            ready <= '1';

            when rst_1 =>
			if (nand_rdy = '0') then    -- This bit of code will check to see if the memory device is ready to be accessed   
                state_next <= rst_1;
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000011111111"; -- 00FFh hex command for reset
				state_next <= rst_2;
            end if;	

            when rst_2 =>

                state_next <= rst_3;

            when rst_3 =>

                state_next <= idle;

            when rid_1 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000010010000"; -- 0090h hex command for read id				
                state_next <= rid_2;

            when rid_2 =>
                state_next <= rid_3;

            when rid_3 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000000000000"; -- 0000h address command for readi id			
                state_next <= rid_4;

            when rid_4 =>
                state_next <= rid_5;

            when rid_5 =>
			    counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (counter) + 1);			
                state_next <= rid_6;

            when rid_6 =>

                if unsigned(counter) = 3 then

                state_next <= rid_7;
                counter <= (others => '0');
                else state_next <= rid_5;
                end if;			
            when rid_7 =>
				counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (counter) + 1);
                state_next <= rid_8;

            when rid_8 =>
                if unsigned(counter) = 5 then

                state_next <= rid_9;
                counter <= (others => '0');
				nand_cad_next <= nand_cad; -- data is read from the nand_cad port                
                state_next <= rid_7;
                end if;	                

            when rid_9 =>
                state_next <= idle;

            when prog_1 =>
            	nand_cad_next <= "0000000010000000"; --80h command used for programming page			
                state_next <= prog_2;

            when prog_2 =>
                state_next <= prog_3;

            when prog_3 =>
                nand_cad_next <= "0000000011111111"; --collomn address 1			
                state_next <= prog_4;

            when prog_4 =>
                state_next <= prog_5;

            when prog_5 =>
                nand_cad_next <= "0000000000000100"; --column address 2	
				state_next <= prog_6;

            when prog_6 =>
                state_next <= prog_7;			   

            when prog_7 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000011111011"; --row address 1			
                state_next <= prog_8;

            when prog_8 =>
                state_next <= prog_9;

            when prog_9 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000010101010"; --row address 2			
                state_next <= prog_10;

            when prog_10 =>
                state_next <= prog_11;

            when prog_11 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000011000011"; --row address 3			
                state_next <= prog_12;

            when prog_12 =>
                state_next <= prog_13;

            when prog_13 =>
				counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (counter) + 1);			
                state_next <= prog_14;

            when prog_14 =>
			    if unsigned(counter) = 2 then

                state_next <= prog_15;
                counter <= (others => '0');
                else state_next <= prog_13;
                end if;	  

            when prog_15 =>

                counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (counter) + 1);

                state_next <= prog_16; --states are being repeated to create clock for we               
			when prog_16 =>

                if unsigned(counter) = 1057 then

                nand_cad_next <= "0000000000010000"; --0010h end command for program page

                state_next <= prog_17;
                counter <= (others => '0');


                nand_cad_next <= nand_cad;
                state_next <= prog_15;
                end if;

            when prog_17 =>

                state_next <= prog_18;

            when prog_18 =>
                state_next <= prog_19;
			when prog_19 =>

                if (nand_rdy = '0') then
                state_next <= prog_19;
                nand_cad_next <= "0000000001110000"; --0070h command for status read
				state_next <= prog_20; 
                end if;	

            when prog_20 =>				
                state_next <= prog_21;	

            when prog_21 =>
                counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (counter) + 1);			
                state_next <= prog_22;	

            when prog_22 =>
			    if unsigned(counter) = 2 then

                state_next <= prog_23;
                counter <= (others => '0');
                else state_next <= prog_21;
                end if;	  					

            when prog_23 =>
				nand_cad_next <= nand_cad; -- data is read from the nand_cad port
                state_next <= prog_24;		

            when prog_24 =>
                state_next <= idle;					
            when read_1 =>
            	nand_cad_next <= "0000000000000000"; --00h command used for reading a page			
                state_next <= read_2;

            when read_2 =>
                state_next <= read_3;

            when read_3 =>
                nand_cad_next <= "0000000011111111"; --collomn address 1			
                state_next <= read_4;

            when read_4 =>
                state_next <= read_5;

            when read_5 =>
                nand_cad_next <= "0000000000000100"; --column address 2	
				state_next <= read_6;

            when read_6 =>
               state_next <= read_7;			   

            when read_7 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000011111011"; --row address 1			
                state_next <= read_8;

            when read_8 =>
                state_next <= read_9;

            when read_9 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000010101010"; --row address 2			
                state_next <= read_10;

            when read_10 =>
                state_next <= read_11;

            when read_11 =>
				nand_cad_next <= "0000000011000011"; --row address 3			
                state_next <= read_12;

            when read_12 =>
                state_next <= read_13;

            when read_13 =>
                nand_cad_next <= "0000000000110000"; --0010h end command for program page			
                state_next <= read_14;

            when read_14 =>				

                state_next <= read_15;

            when read_15 =>

                state_next <= read_16;			
			when read_16 =>
	        if (nand_rdy = '0') then       
                state_next <= read_16;
                else state_next <= read_17;
            end if;	
            when read_17 => -- delay state before data will be read

                state_next <= read_18;

            when read_18 =>
				counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (counter) + 1);

				state_next <= read_19;

			when read_19 =>

                if unsigned(counter) = 1057 then

                state_next <= read_20;
                counter <= (others => '0');
                else state_next <= read_18;
                end if;
             when read_20 =>

                state_next <= idle;

             when read_21 =>

                state_next <= idle;		
	         when stat_1 =>
                nand_cad_next <= "0000000001110000"; --0070h command for status read

				state_next <= stat_2; 

            when stat_2 =>				
                state_next <= stat_3;	

            when stat_3 =>
                counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned (counter) + 1);			
                state_next <= stat_4;	

            when stat_4 =>
			    if unsigned(counter) = 2 then

                state_next <= stat_5;
                counter <= (others => '0');
                else state_next <= stat_3;
                end if;	  					

            when stat_5 =>
				nand_cad_next <= nand_cad; -- data is read from the nand_cad port
                state_next <= stat_6;		

            when stat_6 =>
                state_next <= idle;					                		

            end case;

    end process;
-- look ahead output logic


		-- The initial state set all the control lines to default states
        nand_tri_buf <= '0';
        nand_ce_buf <= '0';

        nand_we_buf <= '1';

        nand_ale_buf <= '1';

        nand_cle_buf <=  '0';

        nand_re_buf <= '1';

    case state_next is

        when idle => 

        when rst_1 =>

        when rst_2 =>

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';
            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';

            nand_re_buf <= '1';
        when rst_3 =>

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';
            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';  

            nand_re_buf <= '1';

        when rid_1 =>	

        when rid_2 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when rid_3 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when rid_4 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when rid_5 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when rid_6 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when rid_7 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '0';

        when rid_8 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '0';

            nand_tri_buf <= '0';
        when rid_9 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '0';

		when prog_1 =>

        when prog_2 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when prog_3 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_4 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_5 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when prog_6 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_7 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_8 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when prog_9 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_10 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_11 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when prog_12 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_13 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_14 => 

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

         when prog_15 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
		when prog_16 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_17 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when prog_18 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when prog_19 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_20 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when prog_21 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_22 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';			
        when prog_23 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '0';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when prog_24 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';			
        when stat_1 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when stat_2 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when stat_3 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when stat_4 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';			
        when stat_5 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '0';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when stat_6 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';			
		when read_1 =>

        when read_2 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when read_3 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_4 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_5 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when read_6 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_7 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_8 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when read_9 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_10 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_11 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when read_12 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_13 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '1';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_14 => 

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

         when read_15 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
		when read_16 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

        when read_17 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '1';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';
        when read_18 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

         when read_19 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

          when read_20 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '0';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '0';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';

         when read_21 =>

            nand_cle_buf <= '0';

            nand_ce_buf <= '0';

            nand_we_buf <= '1';
            nand_ale_buf <= '0';
            nand_re_buf <= '1';

            nand_tri_buf <= '1';			

     end case;
     end process;
 -- output signals and port maping

    nand_cad <= nand_cad_reg; -- need to ad a delimiting factor eg when tri is low do else Z
    nand_tri_en <= nand_tri_reg;
    nand_ce <= nand_ce_reg;
    nand_cle <= nand_cle_reg;
    nand_ale <= nand_ale_reg;
    nand_we <= nand_we_reg;
    nand_re <= nand_re_reg;

end arch;

Added after 2 minutes:

The code is syntax sound, and I have simulated it and the timings look consistent with those on the data sheet, Ijust need to test the code this week.

O yes btw, I am using an ACTEL fpga so the pll was generated in libero gold.


I checked for a while, but not deep, it seems OK.
Have a question, you mind to test your code with testbench or with nand flash?
I'm confused...

If you mind to write a testbench, I offer you FSM as you did in your RTL code.
Assume that, RTL code is responsible of generating outputs according the inputs.
Testbench is responsible of generating the inputs and observing your outputs.
According the correctness of the output values, you can give assertions from simulator and check them..
There is two blocks, one is your block that generates outputs, other is testbench block that generates inputs and observes outputs. Write your testbench in FSM style.. It will be more intuitive...

Micron nand flash interface seems ok.. If you can succeeded to do timings correctly, there will be little problems or not, I guess. FSM style is ok..


I have only tested my code with a test bench, and not with actual hardware. Hopefully I can test it on my dev kit during the week.

Thx for your input !!

Hi guys, I m trying to synth my code but i get the following errors:

The one im having trouble solving is the latch issue in
W CL117 Latch generated from process for signal counter(10 downto 0), probably caused by a missing assignment in an if or case stmt nand_flash.vhd (127) NAND_FLASH.srr (36) 09:51:30 Tue Jan 19 compilerReport

It has something to do with my counter I created. After i run a post synt my waveforms flatline at a certain ppoint where the counter gets initialized.

I have tried initializing my counter to zero in my first process section "reset = 0" counter goes zero but that causes diffrent issues. When I add counter to my process sensitivity list my wavefors sim times out, something obout infinite loop. But everything works good in pre synth its just the post synth thats a problem.


Added after 3 hours 23 minutes:

HI guys I looked through the forum for a while, and I think my latchup problem is located somewhere in the process that controlls my case statements.

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