VHDL errors: type error resolving infix expression "<="; Cannot read output "diff"

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Apr 30, 2007
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VHDL errors: type error resolving infix expression "<="; Cannot read output "diff"

I've been getting this error when I compile. Could anyone help me?

# ** Error: file1.vhd(157): Type error resolving infix expression "<=".
# ** Error: file1.vhd(157): Cannot read output "diff".
# ** Error: file1.vhd(157): near "<=": expecting: ';'

USE work.own_types.all;

--  std_logic
   USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
   USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
   USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
   use IEEE.numeric_bit.all;
   use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
 --use IEEE.numeric_std.signed;

library UNISIM;
   use UNISIM.VComponents.all; 

--library textutil;       -- Synposys Text I/O package
--    use textutil.std_logic_textio.all;

ENTITY  comparator IS PORT (
                clk:            in std_logic;
                reset:          in std_logic;
                data:           in std_logic_vector (0 to 31);
                iv_ready:       in std_logic;                -- IV data sending will start from next cycle
                sv_ready:       in std_logic;                -- SV data sending will start from next cycle
                data_valid:     in std_logic;                -- Current input data is valid
                comp_ready:     out std_logic;               -- The comparison result is ready
                diff:           out std_logic_vector (0 to 31)); -- The accumulated absolute difference
END comparator; 

ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF comparator IS
    constant    DP_NUM      :integer := 14;                -- number of data points
    SIGNAL      diff_sum    :std_logic_vector(0 to 31);    -- summation of difference
    SIGNAL      dp_count    :std_logic_vector(0 to 15);    -- data point counter
    SIGNAL      sig_count   :std_logic_vector(0 to 15);   -- sigature vector counter
    SIGNAL      iv          :std_logic_vector(0 to 31);       -- iv (read from memory) 
    SIGNAL      sv          :std_logic_vector(0 to 31);       -- sv (delay data)
    SIGNAL      comp        :std_logic;                     -- compare enable asserted when  signature vector is not 0 
    TYPE comparator_state IS (idle, rec_data, rec_sig, done, flush); 
    SIGNAL      sm          :comparator_state;                -- state of the comparator
    SIGNAL      nwe         :std_logic;                      -- not write enable for sram
    SIGNAL      addr        :std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- sram address
BEGIN  --  behavioral 

    -- This process generates the signal sv and comp.
    -- When the comparator is in rec_sig state, the sv is the delayed
    -- input data. If the input sv is not zero, then the comp is the 
    -- delayed data_valid. The one cycle delay is inserted because 
    -- the iv, when read out from the sram, is delayed one clock cycle. 
    delay_sv: PROCESS (clk, reset)
        if reset = '1' THEN
            sv <= (others => '0');
            comp<= '0';
        ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
            IF( sm = rec_sig) THEN
                sv <= data;
                IF (conv_integer(data) = 0) THEN
                    comp <= '0';
                    comp <= '1';
                END IF;
                sv <= (others => '0');
                comp <= '0';
            END IF;
        END IF;

    -- This process generates the signal diff_sum
    -- When comp (compare enable) is 1 then diff_sum is the accumulated 
    -- absolute different between iv and sv
    acc_diff: PROCESS (clk, reset)
        if reset = '1' THEN
            diff_sum <= (others=>'0');
        ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
            if(comp = '1') THEN
                if (sv > iv) THEN
                    diff_sum <= conv_std_logic_vector(conv_integer(diff_sum) + conv_integer(sv) - conv_integer(iv), 32) ;
                    diff_sum <= conv_std_logic_vector(conv_integer(diff_sum) + conv_integer(iv) - conv_integer(sv), 32) ;
                END IF;
            ELSIF (sm = rec_data) THEN
                diff_sum <= (others => '0');
            END IF;
        END IF;

    -- This process describes the FSM of the comparator. It also generates signals
    -- dp_count, sig_count and comp_ready.
    -- dp_count indicates the number of IV data that have been received
    -- sig_count indicates the number of SV data that have been received. 
    -- Please refer to the homework assignment for the detailed information of the 
    -- FSM.
    PROCESS (clk, reset)
        if reset = '1' THEN
            sm <= idle;
            dp_count <= (others=>'0');
            sig_count <= (others=>'0');
            comp_ready <= '0';
        ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
            CASE sm IS

                WHEN idle =>    
                        dp_count <= (others=>'0'); 
                        sig_count <= (others=>'0'); 
                        IF iv_ready = '1' THEN
                            sm <= rec_data;
                            comp_ready <= '0';
                             END IF;

                WHEN done =>     

                WHEN rec_data => 

                WHEN rec_sig => 

                WHEN flush => sm <= done;
                WHEN others => sm <= done;
            END CASE;
        END IF;

    -- If the comparator is in rec_data state and input data is valid, then
    -- the sram write enable is asserted so that the IV data can be stored 
    -- in the sram
    nwe <= 

    -- When the comparator is in rec_data state, the (write) address of 
    -- the sram is equal to dp_count. When the comparator is in the rec_sig
    -- state, the (read) address of the sram is equal to sig_count.

    addr(15 downto 0) <= 

    -- The output diff is equal to diff_sum
    diff <= diff_sum;

    -- SRAM 0 
    ram0: sram64kx8 PORT MAP(
        ncs1 => '0',
        cs2  => '1',
        addr => addr,    
        data_in => data(0 to 7),
        data_out => iv(0 to 7),
        nwe => nwe,
        noe => '0',
        clk => clk

    -- SRAM 1 
    ram1: sram64kx8 PORT MAP(
        ncs1 => '0',
        cs2  => '1',
        addr => addr,    
        data_in => data(8 to 15),
        data_out => iv(8 to 15),
        nwe => nwe,
        noe => '0',
        clk => clk

    -- SRAM 2 
    ram2: sram64kx8 PORT MAP(
        ncs1 => '0',
        cs2  => '1',
        addr => addr,    
        data_in => data(16 to 23),
        data_out => iv(16 to 23),
        nwe => nwe,
        noe => '0',
        clk => clk

    -- SRAM 3 
    ram3: sram64kx8 PORT MAP(
        ncs1 => '0',
        cs2  => '1',
        addr => addr,    
        data_in => data(24 to 31),
        data_out => iv(24 to 31),
        nwe => nwe,
        noe => '0',
        clk => clk

END behavioral;



Try to remove lengthy comments....so that, its better to debug the code...but any how check out these lines ???

I see that nwe as well as addr are not assigned with any value..is it true??

-- If the comparator is in rec_data state and input data is valid, then
-- the sram write enable is asserted so that the IV data can be stored
-- in the sram

nwe <=

-- When the comparator is in rec_data state, the (write) address of
-- the sram is equal to dp_count. When the comparator is in the rec_sig
-- state, the (read) address of the sram is equal to sig_count.

addr(15 downto 0) <=

and also if u haven't found it ....post the code with line numbers.


Re: VHDL help

Certanly the problem is there:

There are no sequental assignment in VHDL like in C. So the parser just can't parse that code.

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