VHDL code for implementing NCO

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Sherif Welsen

Junior Member level 1
Feb 3, 2005
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Hi every body,

Could anybody provide me with a VHDL code implementing the Numerically Controlled Osc. NCO "DDS".

Added after 2 minutes:

Could you provide me with a resources describing the NCO, typical example using LUT or any other method that could be implemented on FPGAs.

sin vhdl

Here is one example of Qadrature oscillator I build and testted on FPGA.
Its a sine wave oscillator.
I posted this code here some time back also it was in verilog.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity sine_cos is
  port (
    clk   : in  std_logic;
    reset : in  std_logic;
    en    : in  std_logic;
    sine  : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    cos   : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

end sine_cos;
architecture behave_sine_cos of sine_cos is
signal sine_r, cos_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
begin  -- behave_sine_cos
 sine <= sine_r + (cos_r(7) & cos_r(7) & cos_r(7) & cos_r(7 downto 3));
 cos  <= cos_r - (sine(7) & sine(7) & sine(7) & sine(7 downto 3));
registers: process (clk, reset)
begin  -- process registers
  if reset = '0' then                   -- asynchronous reset (active low)
    sine_r <= "00000000";    
    cos_r <= "01111000";
  elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then    -- rising clock edge
    if (en = '1') then
      sine_r <= sine;
      cos_r <= cos;      
    end if;
  end if;
end process registers;
end behave_sine_cos;

-- Testbench

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity sine_cos_tb is
end sine_cos_tb;
architecture behave of sine_cos_tb is
component sine_cos
  port (
    clk   : in  std_logic;
    reset : in  std_logic;
    en    : in  std_logic;
    sine  : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    cos   : buffer std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component;
signal    clk   : std_logic := '0';
signal    reset : std_logic := '0';
signal    en    : std_logic := '1';
signal    sine  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal    cos   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

begin  -- behave
clk <= transport not clk after 5 ns;

u1 : sine_cos
      port map (
        clk   , 
        reset , 
        en    , 
        sine  , 
        cos    );
  begin  -- process
    wait for 50 ns;
    reset <= '1';
    wait for 10000 ns;
  end process;  

end behave;

Hope this helps
nco architecture

Hi Sherif,
An NCO design has got just 2 major blocks.
Phase accumulator, LUT Rom( to store the phase angles of sine and cos).
I've attached a NCO design document, this gives a detailed explanation for the blocks i mentioned above.
Hope this helps
vhdl nco design

Thank for example.
But I can`t understand how sin and cos obtained.
CORDIC or other methods?
Could you share with this information (app. notes, data sheet, books)

Best Regards,

an nco design has got just 2 major blocks.


Sine and cos waves are generated using Quadrature oscillator.
If you integrate sine wave you get cosine wave You integrate this cosine
wave to generate input sine wave...
This is done using digital filter techniqe here in the VHDL code...
Following figure will explain it well....

         +----+      +----+
   sine  | /  | -cos | /  |
    +--->| |  |----->| |  |---+
    |    | /  |      | /  |   |
    |    +----+      +----+   |
    |                         |
vhdl code for nco

Please colleagues, I want to collect every single detail about the Direct Digital Synthesizer (NCO). Please send every information you have.

Thanks inadvance, I remain.

vhdl nco example

Sherif Welsen said:
Please colleagues, I want to collect every single detail about the Direct Digital Synthesizer (NCO). Please send every information you have.

Thanks inadvance, I remain.

See www.analog.com for their DDS chips datasheet, app. notes, tutorials.

I think for DDS important 2 things
1) Architectures of Accumulators
2) SIN generation methods (table and table compression, CORDIC, series)

See this link

I have this book "Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizers"
by Venceslav F. Kroupa and advice that you read this.

cosine vhdl

Black Jack said:
I have this book "Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizers"
by Venceslav F. Kroupa and advice that you read this.

How could I get a copy of that book?

cosine series vhdl code

I have only printed version

vhdl sin

first of all i realy liked your code
but i didn't few thing
1.how did you couculate the phase diffrance at the begining?
2.how did you know to to subscart this spacific vector?

vhdl codes for nco

I need a detail diagram of NCO architecture. Anyone got it? If yes, please share it for me? Thanks a lot.

nco filter tutorial

nco is in fact a accumulator and a lookup table

you can realize a accumulator like this

process(clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
acc(23 downto 0) <= acc(23 downto 0) + input;
end if; end process;

then, you can address the lookup table like this

process(clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
nco_out(7 downto 0) <= rom(conv_integer(acc(23 downto 14));
end if; end process;

the signal "rom" is a lookup table, a sine or cosine waveform is in it. you can generate a sine waveform by using matlab:

step = 1/1024;
t=0: step : 1-step;
sine = sin(2*pi * t);


go to codesearch.google.com and search for the codes. I have got the codes fot NCO accumulator, LUT from there.You can select the code language from the Advanced search optin

nco sine

I need the method of using CORDIC THEORY,who can help me?THANKS...

Added after 11 minutes:



nardo520, here is some info on CORDIC:
**broken link removed**

Re: nco architecture

Renjith said:
Hi Sherif,
An NCO design has got just 2 major blocks.
Phase accumulator, LUT Rom( to store the phase angles of sine and cos).
I've attached a NCO design document, this gives a detailed explanation for the blocks i mentioned above.
Hope this helps
please send me flowchart of your nco code.
i m getting difficulty in understanding it.
I will be thankfull to you for this kind.[/youtube]\][/url][/code]

Re: sin vhdl

Hi I am Bijaya
I want to see the verilog design can you post it please

Re: an nco design has got just 2 major blocks.

Hello Sir, thanks for the code. I successfully simulated it. It would be very kind of you, if you could explain briefly about the filtering/integration technique that you used.

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