Variable termination for s-parameter simulation - ADS

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Junior Member level 1
May 19, 2015
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What does the termination impedance in the s-parameter simulation in ADS indicate? If want to estimate the s-parameters of the block when it is connected to a certain impedance Z1, should I be setting my termination impedance as Z1? Can I set this termination impedance to be frequency varying?

Thank you

Answer to your first question:
The termination impedance in the ADS software indicate that your block is connected to a termination/ load which has 50 ohm impedance (In ideal world for most applications you expect to see a 50 ohm impedance, that's the reason by default the termination value has been set to 50 ohms)

Answer to your second question:
Could you please provide some more information on the term block. By the term block do you refer to a block where you already have the measured s-parameters of your block and now you want to evaluate the performance of this block for different termination impedances?

I have a two port network whose S-parameters I want to estimate. One of the ports is connected to a constant impedance (so I use the "Term" termination impedance block in ADS). The other port is connected to a frequency varying impedance. I have a text file with the impedance values at different frequency. I want to use this impedance as the termination impedance at the other port, and then evaluate the s-parameters. Would this be possible to do? How do I import values from a text file and use it in my simulation?

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