using port arrays in process block

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Richard Divakar Vemagiri

Newbie level 6
Feb 25, 2011
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declaring port as array

plz help me with this..

entity fft is
port(input: in array(0 to 7) of integer);
end fft;

Error - near "array": expecting STRING or IDENTIFIER or << or '('

I'm not able to understand wat i should modify.. plz do let me know...
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you need to declare a type. preferably within a package. eg: type my_input_type is array (natural range <>) of integer; if this is in a package, then you can include the package in every file that instantiates or defines fft.

hi permute,
sorry for getting back late. but thank you for ur reply. In fact, i wasn't clear about how u wanted me to do that package stuff. Can u just tell me how to write a package block, and where i should place it in the text editor? Sorry, but I'm new to VHDL and im' trying to learn...
Thanking You,
you need to declare a type. preferably within a package. eg: type my_input_type is array (natural range <>) of integer; if this is in a package, then you can include the package in every file that instantiates or defines fft.

package pck is
type my_input_type is array(0 to 7) of integer;
end pck;
package body pck is
end pck;
library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;

use work.pck.all;

entity fft is
input: inout my_input_type;

O1: out my_input_type);
end fft;

architecture fft_arch of fft is

variable j,n1,temp: integer;
variable i: integer;

j:= 0;
for i in 0 to 7 loop
n1 := 4;
while ( j >= n1 ) loop
j:= j - n1;
n1:= n1/2;
end loop;
j:= j + n1;

if(i < j) then
temp := input(i);
input(i) <= input(j);
input(j) <= temp;
end if;
end loop;

O1 <= input;

end process;
end fft_arch;

This is my code. I have no problems compiling it. But, wen i click run in simulate, after forcing values into port 'input', there is no output. Seems like everything's hung up.. Can anyone help me out with this..
(may be u can try copying the code into ur text editor and let me know if u r able to run in the simulate mode, without any problem)

Thank you,

did you run the simulation for any length of time?
What kind of simulation are you you running? RTL or Post synthesis?

---------- Post added at 10:34 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ----------

Actually - looking at the code - what output do you get? Im guessing you got errors, because you cannot use integer as an inout port because it is not resolved.

Hi TrickyDicky,
I didn't get any errors. I compile the code, and it says that compilation was successful. I'm using 'ModelSim PE Student Edition 10.0' for simulating. So after compilation, i click on 'Start Simulation' and everything works well. Now wen i force values into the 'input' array and click 'run', i expect the output 'O1' array to have some values, coz that's the last line in my code saying "O1 <= input".
But, wen i click 'run', nothing happens. All the buttons like 'run','run all', etc get disabled and nothing else happens. I hope i'm making things clearer. I don't understand what's wrong. Plz let me know if u have a solution for this.
And about integer being used as an inout, u were saying that "it is not resolved". What does that mean? I'm new to VHDL and i don't know about it. Plz let me know that as well..

Thanking You,

the simulation is probably running, and will run until you stop it, unless you run it for a specific period of time.

In VHDL, a resolution function allows a signal to be driven from two sources. The best example in VHDL is std_logic, as it is resolved. If you do this in your code:

slv <= '1';
slv <= '0';

Then in your simulation slv would be displayed as 'X' because the resolution function says that a '1' and '0' resolve to give 'X'. But most types in VHDL do not have a resolution function (std_logic is the only standard type to have a resolution function). So as integer does not have a resolution function, you'll find that modelsim wont actually let you drive an integer port declared as inout, you should get this error:

# ** Error: (vsim-3461) Cannot use 'force -drive' on unresolved signal 'sim:/play_tb/int'.

As an asside, your code makes iit look as though you dont have an understanding of Digital design. Your code looks more like a peice of software.

Hi TrickyDicky,
Thank you for ur reply. I am in fact, trying to write a VHDL code for an 8 point decimation in time FFT algorithm (radix-2). The code that i showed u is to bit-reverse the positions of elements in the array. Can u suggest me a way to do it? I am not able to simulate the code which i've written. Moreover, as u said.. It does look like a piece of software, coz i've never worked on VHDL b4. I'm trying to learn. plz do help me out..
Thanking You,
Richard Divakar Vemagiri.

The first step would be to forget about VHDL and learn the basics of digital electronics. When you have a better grip on this, you can use VHDL to describe a circuit.

In fact, this is one of my projects that i need to finish within 2-3 weeks. I don't know if i can spend time learning VHDL first, and then try implementing it!!!

Then you may be a little stuck. Because your code needs re-writing.

Sounds like a little real world application of the art of renegotiating deadlines might be in order.

I would like to know what value 'i' takes in this code:

function CONV_INTEGER(X:std_logic_vector) return integer is
for i in X'range loop
Consider the value passed to 'X' is of type std_logic_vector(0 to 2);

Thank you.

consider it to be

for i in 0 to 2 loop

if X was std_logic_vector 7 downto 0, the loop becomes:

for i in 7 downto 0 loop

Hi TrickyDicky,
Thank you for your post. But, I find X'range not working as the way you told it will be. I give 'X' a std_logic_vector(0 to 2) and say X'range for the loop variable 'i', it doesnt work. But instead if I put "for i in 0 to 2 loop", it works. Should I include any library or do anything else to make X'range work?

the 'range attribute works on any array. are you creating you own conv_integer function? this function already exists in the std_logic_unsigned/signed library.

Please post the code where you say the X'range is not working, as Im guessing you have done something wrong.

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