Using perl or cshell script to perform daily task

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Member level 5
Apr 18, 2002
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Hi all,

I need some information for your guys, I wonder how to use the perl script or shell script in the digital design methodology flow?


when you simulate the design, you may use the PERL/TCL/Python to help generating testcases.

Most back-end tools need perl or cshell script to alleviate workload.
For example,you can use graphic interface in Astro,but if you are familiar with it,you'd better write a shell script to complete several tasks automatically.

Hi all,

Do you have any example in doing this?? or any related information in doing this??




while [ "$var0" -eq "$LIMIT" ]
var1=`perl perl script u want to execute`
sleep 86400


exit 0

where 86400 are seconds (1 day = 86400s)

For timed tasks you use normally the cron or at daemon on UNIX platforms...

If you run your script manually it can be killed if you og out or you close your shell...cron can start your script at a given matter if you're logged on or not...

And don't ask me how to do it (o;

Use UNIX commands like "man" to find out (o;

Scripts are also very handy for automating library cell characterization (flip-flop setup/hold time, and so on).

Scripting tools can help you
1. write simulation script
2. regressing test
3. do some post processing work
4. hack the verilog file or netlist
5. generate test bench
6. write productivity tools
7. do whatever you like...

think of yourself dealing with dozen of design files, and stimulating each with different instant values .. and once u thought about changing certain value or couple of values .. will u start over everything ?!!! .. NO .. script comes here to save ur time .. everything must be automated .. scripts are really mandatory when u reach a relatively huge sizes for ur designs ..

Hi can someone have any idea of website which gives details for these following points. I am currently looking for 5 th point. Any one has good script/s for verilog language.

farmerwang said:
Scripting tools can help you
1. write simulation script
2. regressing test
3. do some post processing work
4. h@ck the verilog file or netlist
5. generate test bench
6. write productivity tools
7. do whatever you like...

you can use crontable to do regression everyday

Hi guys,

perl is used for creatin testbenches, comparing the outputs, simulate, synthesize automatically.

But how can i invoke modelsim tool using perl and then simulate a file, needhelp from guys

thanking you,

I think the tricky thing to learn any scripting language is to get a grip of regular expressions topic first ,then whether its bash or cshell or Perl deosnt matter ;the knowledge of any basic programming language like C should do

Yup, Regular expressions is one of the most important chapter in scripting

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