Use Multi-cycle Path or Pipeline?

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Advanced Member level 1
May 23, 2004
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Hi all,

In normal design we'd like to pipeline large comb logic to pipelined
design. But I heard there is Multi-cycle Path and need more complex
control logic.

I have some questions according to it.
1. Is most design style don't recommend Multi-cycle Path?
2. Can I change all Multi-cycle Path to Pipelined Path?
3. Can I change all Pipelined Path to Multi-cycle Path?
4. In what circumstance shall we need Multi-cycle Path?

Any recommending reading material is welcome!

Best regards,

give some simple idea, pls dicuss it further!
1, multi-cycle path is a special path, it need constrain to tell tools to understand it. tools may be favor that there are no special path.
2, Can I change all Multi-cycle Path to Pipelined Path?
I thank this is possible, you can insert a dff and split the large comb logic into two small comb logic.
3, Can I change all Pipelined Path to Multi-cycle Path?
I think you cannot do this. I could not explain this clearly. lets somebody do this.
4. In what circumstance shall we need Multi-cycle Path?
I am confused. I wait other senior do this homework.


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My idea:
3, Can I change all Pipelined Path to Multi-cycle Path?
No. If you do so, sequential signals will not be under control. For example, in pipelined path, it need 4 cycles for signal from net A to net B; if we change this implementation to multi-cycle, it maybe only need 2 or 3 cycles from net A to net B.

Am I right?

Added after 2 minutes:

4. In what circumstance shall we need Multi-cycle Path?
For an example: the interrupt signal may not have critical requirement about timing, so multi-cycle path can be used on it.

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