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USB simulation in proteus

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May 19, 2011
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Hi i am trying to simulate USB example in proteus ..using pic18f2550 . What would be the easiest way to connect to the usb .
I want to know how to write windows gui c program to connect to simulated usb in proteus .
can i simulate the hid terminal in proteus itself .

Please Help .

THANKS A LOT JAYANTH FOR THE LINK ... i am trying hard to understand the methodolgy , but this doesnt seem to as simple as spi , i2c or any other protcol is , .I eventually have to write code for controlling a printer through PIC32 . Is it possible how should i find the descriptors for them , or device id and all other printer specific info .

You can choose your own VID and PID. No two device should have the same PID. Are you using mikroC PRO PIC32? Have you read the book "Advanced Microcontroller Projects in C From USB to RTOS by Dogan Ibrahim" ?

If you use mcHID.dll then it is very easy. An example of using mcHID.dll and VB is given i the above mentioned book. If you are using mikroC PRO PIC32 then I can help you.

I am actually using mplab c32 but i do use mikroc pro 8 bit version ..what i am trying to do is trying to simulate the usb in proteus usnig 18f8225 and the compiler is mikro c pro as it generates cof file ... i generally use the inbuilt functions and then try to check the changes those function make to the internal registers ,, thats how i try to understand the working of that particular protocol if unable to understand ,... but when i load pic24 cof files in proteus it doesnt work ..hence i am no longer using mikro c ..I did read the book not thoroughly .. and do not know VB hence will have to go through it .
I just am not able to understand it to start with something ..the second link you provided is helpfull too ...

The question my mind crosses is suppose i wish to connect pic32mx to a hp printer .

How would i know the device id and all those information for the hp to create drivers .

Also Once if i am able to connnect to one of those how will i make a generic so that any printer could be detected .

I think its a big ask .

I think you can't connect PIC32 to USB printer using mcHID.dll . See if printer is HID, CDC or any other type of device. Zip and post the PIC24 project file which can't be debugged in Proteus. I will try to debug.

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