USB/RS232 Prolific PL2303

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pl-2303 schemat

The output is RS232, not TTL. You need the max232 in the circuit. Most common reason for garbage characters is that the HyperTerminal and the microcontroller are using different BAUD rates. Make sure the baud rates are correct.

You can also get problems if either UART gets out of sync. This happens due to spikes on the line during cable connections. I use a freeware program called TerraTerm rather than HyperTerminal. TerraTerm has menu options to flush the buffers and reset the serial port.

I can't find out pl2303 pin Library in Orcad. Could you help me?

Re: pl2303 chip

Remove MAX23 & your circuit will work fine

Re: prolific usb rs232 drivers

I have a USB/serial cable, but it does not work. How can i do?????? I tryied many driver but......:-<<

Hi, if you have a windows 7 pc (might work for Vista too) then I suggest you take a look at this page:
There's a link to a driver which worked for us on several pc's with windows 7 - and other versions of the driver didn't work, so maybe it will do the trick for you too

Looking at the schematic, is it really necessary to use place inductors(i.e. L1,L2,L3 and L4) when connecting the USB port?

Re: pl2303 chip

hello masters, do you have the same thing for FTDI chip? like ft232?

PL2303 is one of the troublesome converters i have ever came across. I usually use it for my 89 series programmer which is a serial port based one. I have a converter circuit wit PL2303 whose rx and tx pins are connected to the firmware microcontroller. I have tried this converter with ample drivers available from different sources. But the problem is my PC hangs everytime i try to program or read. I codnt debug the problem till date. Also tried experimenting with various Baud rates too. But nothing worked well. At present i am using CP2102 chip from silabs which is doing excellent job. It works faar more better than Prolific. The only problem with this Silabs converter is if the programmer is not used for 30 seconds or more, the PC doesnt detect the converter and it needs to be unplugged and plugged again to the usb port make it work.

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