USB Flash Stick to be interfaed to Microcontroller

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Junior Member level 1
Jul 2, 2006
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usb microcontroller flash controller

Hi a newbiee in this microcontroller thing and i have been assigned a semester project to Interface an ordinary usb flash disk or flash stick to any microcontroller and READ files....only to read....

First of all....IS THIS POSSIBLE....and if it is....what first step i should take...i mean which microcontroller to choose...i dunt have any idea of USB flash disks or too much stuck...have asked many good teachers too but they are not able to help when USB thing comezzz....PLZZZ....helpp

usb design by example 2nd edition download

thxx buddy....but as far as i can get from this website is the already made product....not HOW TO DEVELOP the above thing BYSELF....

microcontroller usb stick project

You need a USB HOST interface. I do not know if any current microcontrollers have a HOST interface. There are HOST interfaces which can be connected to microcontrollers. Check Phillips, Cypress, and others.

There are plenty of microcontrollers with FUNCTION (aka device or slave) interfaces. But those won't work for your project.

how to communicate microcontroller and usb stick

ya heard about this HOST stuff...have found some of HOST controllers too, one was CY4640...first thing its for 199$.....thats not a cheap thing to buy....and i have no idea about USB host n client thing...could nyone suggest appropriate refernce material to be consulted first...that i have the know how of USB thing...have found many topics about it but all r general...not specific...

usb masss storage jan axelson rapidshare

USB Mass Storage: Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts

Who should read this book?
This book is for you if you want to know how to design and program a peripheral with a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface, or if you want to know how to communicate with USB peripherals from the applications you write. These are some of questions the book answers:

What is USB and how do peripherals use it to communicate with PCs? There's a lot to the USB interface, and understanding how USB works is essential in creating hardware and program code that works efficiently and reliably. This book's focus is on the practical knowledge you'll need in selecting components and writing device firmware to communicate over the bus.

How can I decide if my project should use a USB interface? Maybe your design isn't suited for USB. I'll show you how to decide whether it is. If the answer is yes, I'll help you decide which of USB's three speeds and four transfer types to use.

How do I choose a USB controller chip for my peripheral design? Every USB peripheral must contain an intelligent controller. There are dozens of controller chips designed for use in USB peripherals. In this book, I compare popular chip families and offer tips on how to decide, based on both your project's needs and your own background and preferences. As with any embedded-system project, developing a USB device also requires a development system for loading and debugging code, and I cover the options here as well.

How do applications communicate with USB peripherals? To communicate with a USB peripheral, a PC needs two things: a device driver that knows how to communicate with the PC's USB drivers and an application that knows how to talk to the device driver. Some peripherals can use drivers included with Windows. Others may require a custom driver. This book will show you when you can use Windows' built-in drivers and how to communicate with devices from Visual Basic and Visual C applications. You'll also find out what's involved in writing a device driver and what tools can help to speed up the process.

How do USB peripherals communicate? USB peripherals typically use a combination of hardware and embedded code to communicate with PCs. In this book, I show how to write the device firmware that enables Windows to identify a device and load the appropriate device driver. I also include example firmware for exchanging data with a PC.

How do I decide whether my peripheral can use bus power, or whether it needs its own supply? A big advantage to USB is that many peripherals can be powered entirely from the bus. Find out whether your device can use this capability and how to manage power use, especially for devices that use battery power.

How can I be sure that my device will operate as smoothly as possible for its end users? On the peripheral side, smooth operation requires understanding the specification's requirements and how the device can meet them. In the PC, proper operation requires a correctly structured information (INF) file that enables Windows to identify the device and software that knows how to communicate with the device as efficiently as possible. This book has information and examples to help with each of these.

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USB Complete : Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals (Complete Guides series)

Publisher Lakeview Research
Author(s) Jan Axelson
ISBN 1931448027
Release Date 01 August 2005
Page 572
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USB Design by Example: A Practical Guide to Building I/O Devices (2nd Edition)

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) specification is a boon for users in that it makes the process of connecting peripherals to computers effortless, in most cases. As is often the case with user-friendliness, though, the cosmetic ease comes about as a result of behind-the-scenes complexity. USB Design by Example explains what USB means to hardware developers, taking an approach that combines academic elucidation of the official specification with some experimental setups. Though not everything a hardware developer could wish for, John Hyde's explanations represent a valuable supplement to the notably obtuse specification documents.

This book does a good job of explaining USB input/output from both the hardware and software perspectives. You'll find both driver code and pinout diagrams here. All the software information has to do with the IBM-compatible PC platform and the Windows 98 operating system, so Macintosh developers will have to look elsewhere. Some of Hyde's explanations of how various hardware companies solved USB problems--Symbol Technologies' use of a keyboard emulator for its barcode scanners, for example--are intriguing, but more information (in the form of circuit diagrams, preferably) would be better. The clear explanation of what happens when a new device is plugged into a live USB bus is very intriguing, though. Overall, peripheral developers will find this book useful, but not encyclopedic. --David Wall

Topics covered: Universal Serial Bus (USB) architecture, packet contents, device detection, drivers and run-time software, and bridging older connection specifications (RS-232, parallel, SCSI and I2C) to USB.

USB Design by Example: A Practical Guide to Building I/O Devices (2nd Edition) Cover
Publisher Intel Press
Author(s) John Hyde
ISBN 0970284659
Release Date 27 February 2001

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USB Mass Storage: Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts

This developer's guide for designers and programmers of mass-storage devices that use the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface provides developers with information on how to choose storage media, interface the media to a microcontroller or other CPU, and write device firmware to access the media and perform USB communications. Comparisons of popular storage-media options to help users choose a media type for a project are included, and the types described cover hard drives and flash-memory cards such as the MultiMediaCard (MMC), Secure Digital (SD) card, and CompactFlash card. Helpful tips on developing an embedded host that can access USB mass-storage devices are also covered.

USB Mass Storage: Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts Cover
Publisher Lakeview Research
Author(s) Jan Axelson
ISBN 1931448043
Release Date 01 September 2006
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i hope you can find what you need

how communicate spi vinculum

Maxim has a chip that can be a USB host *or* peripheral. The part is MAX3421E. It interfaces with a microcontroller using SPI.

Use the MAX3421E as a host to control USB flash.

usb otg mikrocontroller stick

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usb stick program code sample

Ooo this is lovely
"newbiee in this microcontroller"
"i have been assigned a semester project"
"First of all....IS THIS POSSIBLE"


They want you to FAIL !!!!

If you that newbie to understand the general concept of this Space Tech Gadget's than, quit and study horse poo.

Good luck with your IMPOSSIBLE project.

what mcu uc with usb otg to choose

Excuze Me buddy....keep ur mouth closed if u dun wanna or cant help...with the language ur speakin seems that U urself dun know nything....Have said a niewbe coz havent done any professional Projects like this one....otherwise have done a lot of hobbyprojects relating to microcontrollers,n have Concepts all about it...u dun have to worry that i Fail or not,have picked this semester project cause have planned to Enhance this little one project to my Next Final Year Project...SOOO...Time is that i do have and therez a lot that can be done only if the people like you come in way...Help if u can otherwise Dun DISGRACE or Disrespect Others....Hope u got wat i said....N for your kind information am Just very much near phases of this project completion as i got all wat i need....

download usb mass storage jan axelson

furthermore....i would like to ask....when we have got this host controller.....which microcontroller willl be most suitable to interface with it and also how are we gonna transfer the data from the USB flash drive via the Vinculum host Controller through the MCU to the LCD display....i mean what steps and precautions do we have to take when displaying the data on the LCD....which LCD will be most suitable for this purpose....waiting for ya kind repliessss....ASAP....!!!

Added after 3 minutes:

one more thing....regarding this USB can we transfer a say an image file from the USb flash via the circuit module and send it to some X-Y plotter for plotting.....what will be the steps which have to be undertaken for this kind of application....waiting for ya repliesss....!!!!

usb vinculum project

You may look at USB-OTG(On-The-Go) chips. An OTG device is a dual-role device that can function both as a limited-capability host and as a USB peripheral. I don't know if it is posible to use an USB-OTG with one mass storage device.
Also you should download an USB sniffer snoopy.exe from

interfacing a usb stick with pic

I have serached material for such project, but I did not found something usefull (instead I foud lot materials on memory cards like CF, MMC, XD...). Maybe because some part of the protocol is not public, or complicated usb configuration. Just can say that it is not easy project.

accessing flash usb stick microcontroller

Vinculum USB Host Controller
FTDI announces new Vinculum Family of SOC USB Host Controller Devices at ESC Taiwan.
At the Embedded Systems Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, Future Technology Devices International Ltd. (FTDI), an internationally recognised provider of USB connectivity IC solutions announced the release of the Vinculum family of embedded USB Host Controller devices. The Vinculum USB Host Controller ICs not only handle the USB Host Interface and data transfer functions, but owing to the inbuilt 8/32 bit MCU and embedded Flash memory, Vinculum encapsulates the USB device classes as well. When interfacing to mass storage devices such as USB Flash drives, Vinculum also transparently handles the FAT File structure communicating via UART, SPI or parallel FIFO interfaces via a simple to implement command set.

Cyberwin technology ltd
Deo Lee
SKYPE: doolee

usb stick interface for pic

I've been using the vinculum VNC1L module for the last week and have succeeded only in opening an empty file on the USB memory stick. Have had little help from FTDI and no examples are fothcomming from them.
Have you had more success than me? If so can you help? I'm using a PIC18F452 to communicate through the USART at 9600 baud.

microcontroller read usb


I have to build a datalogger with the PIC 16F628 and the VNC1L with its VDIF firmware. The only problem of the Vinculum chip is their non-standard SPI interface! Implementing the software in the PIC is no problem, the problem is that the VNC1L does not work in SPI-mode. It echoes back garbage; the description of the signals is really bad. There's also no application note for it.

I wrote to FTDI's support but until today I've got no answer. The VNC1L works perfectly if used in UART-interface mode. Unfortunately I have to use the SPI interface because the USART interface of the PIC is already used.

Has anybody successfully interfaced this chip with its SPI-interface?

usb stick microcontroller

Hi Devau
We had the same problem with the SPI interface as well as the parallel one.
Have contacted FTDI several times and eventually they have admitted that they have not tested this module with any microcontroller. They have been using a PC with their FT232 3V3 cable assembly.
Is your controller a 3V3 type (low voltage) if not try using a level converter this might help???(sorry, no guarantees).
I've had more luck using the UART interface but I'm waiting for a level convertor myself.
The data sheets say that the module has 5V safe inputs so should be alright if youv'e inputted 5V levels but the module will probabally lock-up as I think may have happened in my case.
Hope this is of some use, when I get the module working I'll post the results on this site - but at the moment I'm not holding my breath!

Sorry I didn't read all of your message, did you say you got the module working?
If so you couldn't give me a clue cos I'm going round-in-circles.
Any help would be appriecated.

Could you use a relay or similiar to switch the Rx and Tx lines between devices to solve your problem?

ftdi vnc1l 8051

lyles1. You can share your circuit interface VNC1L with PIC mcu and code for test it


pic24 usb stick project

Hi lyles1

The VDrive1 operates at 3.3 Volts and the PIC has to operate at 5 Volts. So this may be the issue. But as you stated correctly the VNC1L datasheet describes the interface as 5 V safe inputs (whatever that means...). I'll have a look for a level converter chip and will let you know about my results.


microcontroller reads usb

how do i program the VNC1L using UART of the uC? can it b programmed using an ATMega128?

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