"universe" is expanding?

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Oct 10, 2004
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"universe" is expanding?comment on this.

Enter "expanding universe" in Google (without the quotes), and you will find hundreds of references. The best are those associated with various universities around the world.

The topic is a bit complex to discuss in short forum messages.

The modern science has discovered that the inumberable galaxies in the universe are actually moving away from one another, essentially resulting in a universe that is no more static rather growing (expanding away) with each passing moment passing.

Have a look a the link

Also the following search engine may help you further explore it
**broken link removed**

The universe expanding can explain through thermodynamics. Imagine the beginning of the Universe, and all energy shrunk around a point. This energy was spread by everywhere, and it began to disspate in ways such as stars, galaxies, and so on, always into more degradates ways. Also, what we know as "life", is just simply chemical energy (a degrated version of the ancient energy) dissipating through proteins, tissues, and life beings (all of them, as a result of generated "entropy" by former energy disspations). More complex systems are proof of entropy increasing, and less quality energy consumption.

The future universe will be plenty of more complex systems (cold starts, black holes, and why not, life beings as a dissipative structures). If we suppose that universe will contract, we must assume that all energy can recover its quality. This is the same that die and then get old an then grow up and then birth. Almost the same that counter-clockwise time. And certainly, must be the same as catch all radiations waves and shrink inside a little peanut.

its the continious effect of the big bang theory.

but somday this expansion will stop and the universe will shrink again squashing any thing inside.

it will be so horrible, fortunately we cant calculate when this expansion will end because it means the end of the whole universe.

If we assume that Universe will shrink in a so far future, then we must explain how to reverse all generated entropy.

If you Google for answers, look for recent articles. New observations are kicking old theories out the window, and creating new puzzles. A good search phrase is "dark energy".

Hi all,
I always had this question when talking about expanding universe:
If our universe constitutes everything into what is it expanding ? Is there an outside space into which it's expanding?

This is a very interesting topic .Because the expanding universe is contradictory to the big bang Theory .If there was really a big bang you would expect a linear density of matter every where in space .After explosion all the matter is expelled at some accelerating speed . This is what causes the universe expansion.
But is not the case the matter in the universe is distributed in big lumps here and there .like it would be probably with several big bangs...But that is not the "BIG BANG" .Only little bangs!

Your observation, plus the rate of expansion, is exactly why it is believed that there is dark matter. Although dark matter has not been seen or measured, its existance is necessary to explain the discrepancies. The "Big Bang" hasn't been contradicted - it only requires that there is something more that we haven't seen or taken into account in our explanation of the universe.

Think of the universe as a balloon. This balloon is being blown up. This=The Big Bang.
It is tied up, and then allowed to float up. The higher it gets, the bigger, and the faster it gets bigger.

The Universe is like this, not that it is expanding INTO an 'outside space', but rather the "skin" (space-time) is being "stretched".

This is caused by dark energy.

As for the clumping, this is caused by the various forces acting on the matter. The Strong Force begins the clumping at an atomic level, with these clumps building up. Thus the first hydrogen atoms. From there, gravity and various chemical forces take over, eventually causing complex molecules as well as stars, planets, cows, etc.

I'll b short in my reply.just follow this link:


i don't think its fair to view the expanding universe in our limited way. we see it as an expanding balloon, or "what is it expanding into", these are all expressions used by the way we understand things. the reality is much more complex. its sort of like thinking that mathematics is the "universal language" because we like to think this is true. yet, in reality if you *actually* tried to explain even the simplest interaction using mathematics you'd find the *real* equation so incredebly complex you wouldn't be able to compute the answer with a quatum computer. mathematics is more of a limited subset language. physics is the universal language, but to date we really only use it to describe block diagrams. a language using only one syllable words.. but better than only the first page of a dictionary (mathematics).

the funny thing is, things like dark matter and grand-unification theory have been solved decades ago - but the scientific elite doesn't accept the answer because it is too obscure. how pathetic, they don't understand so they claim it is wrong.. like the universe cares if they understand/accept or not!

think on this question... from where does the electron get its energy such that it can emit a PREDICTABLE electric field CONTINOUSLY (not quantized) for the life of the electron (i.e. a very very long time), for sure it is not a perpetual motion machine. when you answer that you will have all the answers you need.


That the universe is expanding is proved.
Light coming to us from stars have been found to be shifting into wavelengths of the red regions, which is called red shift(was i correct?).
This is only explained if the universe is expanding, i.e the light reaching us is receeding.
Would it ever stop?
1) It would if there is an external resistance opposing its expansion. Someone tell me: is the expansion experiencing a deceleration? If yes, it means there's something opposing the expansion. We know a body tends to move in a uniform speed (constant acceleration) otherwise acted upon by an external force. Newton is still relevant.

The Universe's expansion is accelerating, a result of the 'dark energy'. If not for this mysterious force, the universe's expansion would acutually be almost non-existent by now, and in another few billion years it would begin to 'fall' back in to itself as a result of gravity.

As for what is actually happening, my baloon example is obviously inadequate. What it is is that space itself is 'stretching'. Here is a perhaps better way to visuallize this:
take a piece of thin rubber, of largish size. Put it on a larger table. Place all manner of small objects on it to represent stars, galaxies, and the like. Get three other volunteers (or draftees) to stand on opposite sides (with you on one side, assumes a square piece) of the table. All four stretch it at the same time, careful not to pull up the edges so that the bits don't go rolling into the center. This is a fair example of what is happenning.

To Mr. Cool:
Where does the strong nuclear force come from?
This is why there are massively huge particle accelerators, to try to answer these questions.

this picture of what the universe looks like reminds me of what steven hawking wrote in his book "brief history of time". he suggested taking a cardboard box and remove one side & replace it with a black garbage bag. pull the bag taught & tape it down so that you have a cardboard box with one side made of plastic sheet which represents space-time.

now take some heavy marbles (train wheel bearings work great) and place them on the plastic side. now, take a small marbel, place it on one end and push it so that it has just enough momentum to reach the other side. notice how it swerves towards the heavy mass train wheel bearings? this is mass bending space time.

in this example the universe is not flat, but looks more like a horse saddle because gravity is pulling "it" due to large mass objects. personally, i do not think the universe IS like this, it only LOOKS like this because that is how we perseve things. what we do not perceive is time. we can not observe time, so we don't see its effects. we see quantized versions of time, but not TIME itself. there are 4 dimensions: X, Y, Z, time. the last, time, is unique in that is joining all 3 axis, XYZ, at any & all points simultaneously all the "time". now that is a fascinating concept! too bad we can not observe time itself because i'm sure it would change our perception of the universe drastically if we could.

now here is the part steven hawking didn't say (nor did einstein to my knowledge). mass is not the ONLY thing that warps space-time. strong electromagnetic fields can do this too! what is more, we can perform these experiments on the bench, we don't need planet size mass to study spacetime warping. neat.

the space in our observable universe is expanding, as proven by the "Red Shift" method discussed previously. what is more, it is accelerating. strange, but after all that time eignstein was right, there IS a "cosmological constant" out there, else we would not have acceleration. as you know acceleration can only occur (newtonian motion) when a 3rd party acts upon it, so figure that one out!

also, our local observable universe is expanding, but this doesn't mean that it isn't contracting somewhere else in the universe. it is after all a very big place...

Is there anything beyond the universe?

yes, TIME. now, go figure that out & get back to me


Is there anything beyond the universe?

Universe and space is the same, you are like an ant stuck on an inflating baloon. So, for you, this is it, you can't go out.

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