Unable to get this verilog code to loop the state machine for number of iterations

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Newbie level 2
Mar 4, 2018
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The objective is to perform a singular function with at least a hundred iterations. Final goal is to completely make it gate-level. I could not figure that out so I am trying to get regular code to work. But I cannot get this state machine to loop even twice. There are a lot of random commented codes due to testing things out. I need to get a counter/comparator working somehow. Return to state zero and resume the process. Below is the main code and the testbench I am using to try and test it. I can only get the 1st iteration working. But cannot get anything else.

Please any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.

//Verilog module for Project
`timescale 1ns/1ps

module Project1(
    clk, rst, start,
	 x_in, u_in, y_in,
	 x_out, u_out, y_out

//List the inputs and their sizes
	input clk, rst, start;
	input [7:0] x_in, u_in, y_in;

//List the outputs and their sizes 
   output integer x_out, u_out, y_out;

//Internal variables
//	integer  [7:0] rx4, rx2, rdx, r3, rudx, r3ux4_yx4, rux4_x4y;
//	integer  [7:0] ru_y;
	reg [7:0] min1, min2; 
	reg [15:0] tempmult;
	reg [7:0] ain1, ain2;
	reg [8:0] tempadd;
	integer 	x_i, u_i, y_i;
	integer  rx4, rx2, rdx, r3, rudx, r3ux4_yx4, rux4_x4y;
	integer  ru_y;
	integer count = 0;
//List of Wires
// Declare state register and parameter

	reg [3:0] state;
	parameter S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2 = 2, S3 = 3, S4 = 4, S5 = 5, S6 = 6;
//Instantiate Modules ----------------------------------------------------

	lpmmult multiply(
	adders adderss(

//	always block
	always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin:FSM_ST
		// Determine the next state
		if (rst) begin
			rdx = 1;
			r3 = 6;
			x_i <= x_in;
			u_i <= u_in;
			y_i <= y_in;

			state <= S0;
		end else if(start) begin	//End If Start else

		case (state)
			S0: begin
				// Multiplying using instantiated module
//				min1 <= x_i;
//				min2 <= x_i;
//				tempmult <= mout;
//				rx2 <= tempmult[15:8];
//				// Adding using instantiated module
//				ain1 <=x_i;
//				ain1 <=rdx;
//				tempadd <= aout;
//				if (tempadd[8] == 1) begin
//					x_out <= tempadd[8:1];
//				end else begin
//					x_out <= tempadd[7:0];
//				end
				rx2 <= x_i*x_i; //Multiplying using regular way
				x_out <= x_i+rdx; //Adding using regular way
				if (count < 10) begin
					count = count + 1;
					state = S1;
					$display("Time %2d: x_out %1d is %2d", $time, x_out, y_out);
				else begin
					state <= S1;
					end// End State0
			S1: begin
				rx4 <= rx2*rx2;
				ru_y <= u_i+y_i;
//			Multiplying using instantiated module
//				min1 <= rx2;
//				min2 <= rx2;
//				tempmult <= mout;
//				rx4 <= tempmult[15:8];
//			Adding using instantiated module
//				ain1 <=u_i;
//				ain1 <=y_i;
//				tempadd <= aout;
//				if (tempadd[8] == 1) begin
//					ru_y <= tempadd[8:1];
//				end else begin
//					ru_y <= tempadd[7:0];
//				end
					state <= S2;
					end// End State1
			S2: begin
				rux4_x4y <= rx4*ru_y;
//				min1 <= rx4;
//				min2 <= ru_y;
//				tempmult <= mout;
//				rux4_x4y <= tempmult[15:8];
					state <= S3;
					end// End State2
			S3: begin
				r3ux4_yx4 <= rux4_x4y*r3;
//				min1 <= rux4_x4y;
//				min2 <= r3;
//				tempmult <= mout;
//				r3ux4_yx4 <= tempmult[15:8];
					state <= S4;
					end// End State3
			S4: begin
				rudx <= u_i*rdx;
				u_out <= r3ux4_yx4+u_i;
//				min1 <= u_i;
//				min2 <= rdx;
//				tempmult <= mout;
//				rudx <= tempmult[15:8];
//				// Adding using instantiated module
//				ain1 <=r3ux4_yx4;
//				ain1 <=u_i;
//				tempadd <= aout;
//				if (tempadd[8] == 1) begin
//					u_out <= tempadd[8:1];
//				end else begin
//					u_out <= tempadd[7:0];
//				end
					state <= S5;
					end// End State4
			S5: begin
				y_out <= rudx + y_i;
// 			Adding using instantiated module
//				ain1 <=rudx;
//				ain1 <=y_i;
//				tempadd <= aout;
//				if (tempadd[8] == 1) begin
//					y_out <= tempadd[8:1];
//				end else begin
//					y_out <= tempadd[7:0];
//				end

					state <= S6;
					end// End State5
			S6: begin

				//Write output code Here
				if (start) begin
					state = S0;
//				if (count < 10) begin
//					count = count + 1;
//					state = S0;
//					$display("Time %2d: x_out %1d is %2d", $time, x_out, y_out);
//					#10;
//				end 
				end// End State6
				state <= S6;
		end // End Else

	end// End always module
//	always @ (posedge clk) begin:FSM_S
//				if (count < 10) begin
//					count = count + 1;
//					//state = S0;
//					$display("Time %2d: x_out %1d is %2d", $time, x_out, y_out);
//					#10;
//				end 
//	end


//Verilog testbench module for Project
`timescale 1ns/1ps

module Project1_tb;

  reg clk, rst, start; //reset = active HIGH

  integer  x_in, u_in, y_in;
  wire [7:0] x_out, u_out, y_out;
  Project1 uut(

    .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .start(start),
	 .x_in(x_in), .u_in(u_in), .y_in(y_in),
	 .x_out(x_out), .u_out(u_out), .y_out(y_out)
	initial begin   
		clk = 0;  
		forever #50 clk = ~clk;  

	initial begin
		start = 0;
		x_in = 8'b00000010;
		u_in = 8'b00000100;
		y_in = 8'b00000100;
		rst = 1;
		rst = 0;
		start = 1;
		start = 0;
		rst = 1;
		rst = 0;
		start = 1;


You have a mix of blocking and non-blocking assignments on the same always block. That is not only bad practice, as it is really hard to debug.

You have a mix of blocking and non-blocking assignments on the same always block. That is not only bad practice, as it is really hard to debug.

I do not know what blocking and non-blocking is or how that affects the result since it did compile and give output once. Can you go into a bit more detail?

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