TSMC 65 nm PDK install problem

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Newbie level 5
Apr 24, 2012
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Hi all,
I state that I'm totally newbie about Cadence tools and PDK ( It's the part of the topic of my thesis ) and that my english is bad. So, I must install TSMC 65 nm PDK. I have a problem with the installation of the PDK library. I've unzipped the multi-part archive and now I have a directory with the following subdirectories :

[stefano@sirio LP]$ ls
LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011          LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011.zip.004
LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011.zip.001  LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011.zip.005
LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011.zip.002  LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011.zip.006
[stefano@sirio LP]$ cd LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011
[stefano@sirio LP_All_Documents_+_Sources_updated_02122011]$ ls
1_PDK  2_Sources_Cadence  3_Sources_Mentor  4_Sources_Synopsys  5_Documents

Where do I start ? I tryed to start with the installation of 1_PDK/1_Cadence_CDBA. After many decompressions I have the following :

[stefano@sirio 1_Cadence_CDBA]$ tar xfz PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103_all.tar.gz
[stefano@sirio 1_Cadence_CDBA]$ ls
CRN65LP_v1d5a_FSAChecklist_T-N65-CM-SP-007-K1.pdf  REVISION
Doc_PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103.tar.gz     REVISION_CRN65LP_v1d5a_T-N65-CM-SP-007-K1.pdf
PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103_all.tar.gz     t-n65-cm-sp-007-k1_1_5a_20091208.zip
PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103.tar.gz         t-n65-cm-sp-007-k1_1_5a_doclist.jpg
readme                                             TN65CMSP007K1_1_5A.pdf
ReleaseNote.txt                                    t-n65-cm-sp-007-k2_1_5a_1_20100511_PATCH.zip
[stefano@sirio 1_Cadence_CDBA]$ tar xfz Doc_PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103.tar.gz
[stefano@sirio 1_Cadence_CDBA]$ tar xfz PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103.tar.gz
[stefano@sirio 1_Cadence_CDBA]$ ls
Assura                                             readme
assura_tech.lib                                    ReleaseNote.txt
Calibre                                            REVISION
cds.lib                                            REVISION_CRN65LP_v1d5a_T-N65-CM-SP-007-K1.pdf
CRN65LP_v1d5a_FSAChecklist_T-N65-CM-SP-007-K1.pdf  skill
display.drf                                        techfile
Doc_PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103.tar.gz     Techfile
models                                             t-n65-cm-sp-007-k1_1_5a_20091208.zip
PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103_all.tar.gz     t-n65-cm-sp-007-k1_1_5a_doclist.jpg
PDK_CRN65LP_v1.5a_official_20091103.tar.gz         TN65CMSP007K1_1_5A.pdf
PDK_doc                                            t-n65-cm-sp-007-k2_1_5a_1_20100511_PATCH.zip
pdkInstall.cfg                                     tsmcN65

So, I ran the pdkInstall.pl and I answered questions about tecnology etc... :

[stefano@sirio 1_Cadence_CDBA]$ ./pdkInstall.pl 

       - TSMC Process Ddesign Kit (PDK) Install Utility V1.0a -

    This perl script is used to install TSMC PDKs from the directory that 
contains the original distribution source files (a super-set of PDKs) to a 
specified destination directory according to the user specified options.

*Avaliable process types are: 
   1 - LO
   2 - MM
   3 - RF
Please enter your choice: (1,2...)
*Avaliable voltages are: 
   1 - 1.2V / 2.5V / 2.5V under-drive 1.8V / 2.5V over-drive 3.3V
   2 - 1.2V / 3.3V
Please enter your choice: (1,2)
*Avaliable types of MiM cap are: 
   1 -  MIM_1.0fF                     
   2 -  MIM_1.5fF                     
   3 -  MIM_2.0fF                     
Please enter your choice: (1,2...)
*Avaliable metal options are: 
   1 - 1p9m_6X2Z0U_ALRDL (Support mimcap only for RF/MM )
   2 - 1p9m_6X1Z1U_ALRDL (Support mimcap ,UTM inductors and RC technology files for RF/MM)
   3 - 1p8m_6X1Z0U_ALRDL (Support mimcap and logic inductors for RF/MM)
   4 - 1p8m_6X0Z1U_ALRDL (Support UTM mimcap and mu_a inductor for RF) 
   5 - 1p8m_5X2Z0U_ALRDL (Support mimcap only for RF/MM )
   6 - 1p8m_5X1Z1U_ALRDL (Support mimcap and UTM inductors for MM/RF)
   7 - 1p7m_5X1Z0U_ALRDL (Support mimcap and logic inductors for RF/MM)
   8 - 1p7m_5X0Z1U_ALRDL  (Support UTM mimcap and mu_a inductor for MM/RF) 
   9 - 1p7m_4X2Z0U_ALRDL (Support mimcap and RC technology files for RF/MM)
   10 - 1p7m_4X1Z1U_ALRDL (Support mimcap and UTM inductors for MM/RF)
   11 - 1p6m_4X1Z0U_ALRDL (Support mimcap,logic inductors and RC technology file for RF/MM)
   12 - 1p6m_4X0Z1U_ALRDL (Support UTM mimcap and mu_a inductor for MM/RF) 
   13 - 1p6m_3X2Z0U_ALRDL (Support mimcap only for RF/MM )
   14 - 1p6m_3X1Z1U_ALRDL (Support mimcap and UTM inductors for MM/RF)
*UTM inudctors include "spiral_std_mu_z", "spiral_sym_mu_z", and "spiral_sym_ct_mu_z".

                       "spiral_std_mu_a", "spiral_sym_mu_a", and "spiral_sym_ct_mu_a".

*Logic inductors include "spiral_std_mza_a", "spiral_sym_mza_a", "spiral_sym_ct_mza_a".

*For more information about inductor support, please refer to PDK_doc/ReleaseNote.txt

Please enter your choice: (1,2...)
Please confirm with your selction information: 
*** Select process : RF
*** Select voltage : 1.2V / 2.5V / 2.5V under-drive 1.8V / 2.5V over-drive 3.3V
*** Select MiM cap  :  MIM_2.0fF                     
*** Select metal option : 1p6m_3X1Z1U_ALRDL (Support mimcap and UTM inductors for MM/RF)
Are these correct (y|n) ?
mv: cannot stat `./Techfile/lib_bak/*': No such file or directory
====== Installing pdk library ======
Running "rm  -rf ./models/eldo" ......
Running "rm  -rf ./models/hspice" ......
Running "rm  -rf ./models/spectre" ......
Running "cp -rf models/online/2.5V/* models/" ......
Running "cp -rf models/online/2.5V/cells.txt skill/" ......
Running "cp -rf models/misc/* tsmcN65/" ......
Running "rm -rf models/misc" ......
Running "rm -rf Calibre/online/rcx_online/calview.cellmap" ......
Running "rm -rf Assura/online/extview.trp" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/rcx_online/calview.cellmap_25 Calibre/online/rcx_online/calview.cellmap" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/rcx_online/xcell Calibre/rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Assura/online/extview_25.trp  Assura/online/extview.trp" ......
Running "cp -rf Techfile/tsmcN65_updateCDFs.il skill/tsmcN65_updateCDFs.il" ......
Running "cp -rf Techfile/do_not_use.Cat tsmcN65/do_not_use.Cat.bak" ......
Running "cat models/online/3.3V/misc/Mosfets_33.Cat >> tsmcN65/do_not_use.Cat.bak" ......
Running macro"CLEAR_SYMBOLIC" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M1*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M2*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M3*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M4*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M5*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M6*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M7*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M8*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/M9*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/AP*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/met*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/DFM*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/rm5" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/rm6" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/rm7" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/rm8" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/rm9" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/probe" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_udc" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_udc_3t" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_3t" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_um_rf" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_woum_rf" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_um_udc_rf" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_woum_udc_rf" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/xjvar" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/xjvar_nw" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/pmoscap_rf" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/pmoscap_rf25" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/lowcpad" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf_nw" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf25" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf25_nw" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf33" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf33_nw" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/crtmom_mx" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/MX*" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/crtmom" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/crtmom_rf" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_std_mu_z" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_mu_z" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_ct_mu_z" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_std_mza_a" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_mza_a" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_ct_mza_a" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_std_mu_a" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_mu_a" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_ct_mu_a" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_std_mz_x" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_mz_x" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_ct_mz_x" ......
	Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/do_not_use.Cat" ......
	Running "mv tsmcN65/parasitic_rc  Techfile/lib_bak/" ......
	Running "mv tsmcN65/parasitic_rc_3T Techfile/lib_bak/" ......
	Running "mv tsmcN65/pcapacitor  Techfile/lib_bak/" ......
	Running "mv tsmcN65/presistor   Techfile/lib_bak/" ......
	Running "rm -rf skill/rc_*" ......
	Running "rm -rf Calibre/drc/*" ......
	Running "rm -rf Calibre/lvs/*" ......
	Running "rm -rf Calibre/rcx/*" ......
	Running "rm -rf Assura/lvs_rcx/*" ......
Running "cp -rf Techfile/online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/techfile_lib/tsmcN65/* tsmcN65/" ......
Running "cp -rf Techfile/online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/techfile ./" ......
Running "cp -rf Techfile/online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/*.Cat tsmcN65/" ......
Running "rm -rf tsmcN65/do_not_use.Cat" ......
Running "cat Techfile/online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/do_not_use.Cat >> tsmcN65/do_not_use.Cat.bak" ......
Running "mv tsmcN65/do_not_use.Cat.bak tsmcN65/do_not_use.Cat" ......
Running "cp -rf Techfile/online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/icc.rules ." ......
Running "cp -rf Techfile/online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/mapfile ." ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/rm5z tsmcN65/rm5" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/rm6u tsmcN65/rm6" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/rm7a tsmcN65/rm7" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/probe_6m tsmcN65/probe" ......
Running " cp -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_6m_2p0 tsmcN65/mimcap " ......
Running " cp -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_3t_6m_2p0 tsmcN65/mimcap_3t " ......
Running " cp -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_um_rf_6m_2p0 tsmcN65/mimcap_um_rf " ......
Running " cp -rf tsmcN65/mimcap_woum_rf_6m_2p0 tsmcN65/mimcap_woum_rf " ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/crtmom_rf_6m_T2u tsmcN65/crtmom_rf" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/crtmom_6m_T2u tsmcN65/crtmom" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/crtmom_mx_6m tsmcN65/crtmom_mx" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/lowcpad_6m tsmcN65/lowcpad" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/xjvar_6m tsmcN65/xjvar" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/xjvar_nw_6m tsmcN65/xjvar_nw" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/pmoscap_rf_6m tsmcN65/pmoscap_rf" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/pmoscap_rf25_6m tsmcN65/pmoscap_rf25" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf_6m tsmcN65/moscap_rf" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf_nw_6m tsmcN65/moscap_rf_nw" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf25_6m tsmcN65/moscap_rf25" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf25_nw_6m tsmcN65/moscap_rf25_nw" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf33_6m tsmcN65/moscap_rf33" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/moscap_rf33_nw_6m tsmcN65/moscap_rf33_nw" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/spiral_std_mu_z_6m tsmcN65/spiral_std_mu_z" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_mu_z_6m tsmcN65/spiral_sym_mu_z" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/spiral_sym_ct_mu_z_6m tsmcN65/spiral_sym_ct_mu_z" ......
Running "cp -rf tsmcN65/Inductors_mu_z.Cat tsmcN65/Inductors.Cat" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/drc_online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/* Calibre/drc/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/drc_online/ANTENNA_DRC Calibre/drc/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/drc_online/ANTENNA_MIM_DRC Calibre/drc/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/drc_online/LC_Pad Calibre/drc/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/lvs_online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/* Calibre/lvs/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/lvs_online/source.added Calibre/lvs/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/lvs_online/xcell Calibre/lvs/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/rcx_online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/* Calibre/rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/rcx_online/source.added Calibre/rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/rcx_online/xcell Calibre/rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Calibre/online/rcx_online/calview.cellmap Calibre/rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Assura/online/1p6m_3X1Z1U/* Assura/lvs_rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Assura/online/techRuleSets.top2Thick Assura/techRuleSets" ......
Running "cp -rf Assura/online/lvsSwitches_DFII Assura/lvs_rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Assura/online/source.added Assura/lvs_rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf Assura/online/extview.trp Assura/lvs_rcx/" ......
Running "cp -rf skill/RC_1p6m_3x1z1u/*  skill/" ......
Running "mv Techfile/lib_bak/parasitic_rc  tsmcN65/" ......
Running "mv Techfile/lib_bak/parasitic_rc_3T  tsmcN65/" ......
Running "mv Techfile/lib_bak/pcapacitor  tsmcN65/" ......
Running "mv Techfile/lib_bak/presistor  tsmcN65/" ......
mv ./tsmcN65/inv_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/inv_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand2_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand2_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand3_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand3_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand4_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand4_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33_dnw_macx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33_dnwx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33_macx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_33x ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_na33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_na33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_na33_macx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nch_na33x ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/ndio_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/ndio_na33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nmos_rf_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nmos_rf_33_nodnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nmoscap_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor2_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor2_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor3_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor3_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor4_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor4_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pass_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pass_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pch_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pch_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pch_33_macx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pch_33x ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pdio_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pmos_rf_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pmos_rf_33_nw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/tri_33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/tri_33_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/moscap_rf33 ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/moscap_rf33_nw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/inv_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/inv_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand2_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand2_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand3_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand3_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand4_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nand4_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor2_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor2_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor3_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor3_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor4_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nor4_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pass_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pass_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/tri_33_dnw ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/tri_33_dnw_mac ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nmos_rf_33_6tx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pmos_rf_33_5tx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pmos_rf_33_nw_5tx ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pmos_rf_33_5t ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/nmos_rf_33_6t ./Techfile/lib_bak/
mv ./tsmcN65/pmos_rf_33_nw_5t ./Techfile/lib_bak/
*Info: PDK installation completed.
[stefano@sirio 1_Cadence_CDBA]$

Now, where is the library are installed ? How do i import them in virtuoso ? Can someone give me some documentation or link ? Thanks in advice and sorry for my english.

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 13:53 ----------

Very good, I was wrong. I must install Cadence_OA, not Cadence_CDBA. I discovered that the libaries are automatically linked. Now, how can I disconnect the CDBA library ?

---------- Post added at 15:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:02 ----------

How can I be sure about the successfull of installation ?

The way I confirm it is to just go through the full flow of a design: schematic simulation -> DRC -> LVS -> parasitic extraction -> post-layout simulation

A quick sanity check would be see if you can create a new lib attaching the tsmcN65 library tech file, then try to instantiate a schematic cell, say nmos_rf, then create a layout for it see if pcell evaluation is successful

BTW, can you check in your library (make sure to click the "show Categories") of tsmcN65, do you see rm9 in the MetalRes category? I have rm1~8 and rm10, I didn't have this problem with previously used tsmcN90rf, not sure if this is a bug in tsmcN65 or I did something wrong

I've resolved but I don't know what I've done to make it work. I'm following a tutorial that I've found in the PDK folder. Now I've some problems with the corner simulation in Spectre, but I am confident of being able to solve. Thanks all.

Re: TSMC 65 nm PDK

Is the PDK file for 65nm technology available for download ? Where did you get it ? If you have it, can you please share it ?

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