[SOLVED] Trying to solve my treadmill circuit

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Jigar 4 Electronics

Full Member level 5
Apr 28, 2011
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Hamilton, ON, Canada
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Hello everyone,

I am trying to solve my treadmill circuit which have KT-PH2 IC in it + multilayer PCB to display figures on LCD.
I don't know anything about KT-PH2, I couldn't find even datasheet of it.
So write now I am not able to detect even the problem of that circuit.
Can anyone suggest me about from where and how to start ?

KT-PH2 doesn't resemble an IC name, is it written on an IC or is it the module name?
What exactly do you want to do with that circuit, are you trying to fix it or modify it or ...?


I found a PCB in it having an Integrated circuit which has "KT-PH2 0342 " on it.
I want to check whether this circuit works or not?
& for that I have to give a DC supply to it but I don't know where I can check the Vdd & Gnd pin of that IC. Which can help me to check that circuit.
& I couldn't find it's datasheet so how can I check it ?

Why do you want to connect an external power supply, is there a problem with the treadmill power supply, have you checked it?
Assuming that you are going to connect an external power supply you should know the exact voltage requirement of the circuit and then you can easily connect your power supply in the same connection that the old power supply was connected.
Why are you trying to find the IC power supply pins, it belongs to a complete circuit and you have to power to the PCB not a single chip.


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