TRXQ1 a wireless communication for RS232

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 31, 2004
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I just constructed two circuit with MAX232 and TRXQ1. My purpose is wireless communication between of Computer1(node A) and Computer2(Node B).
I built it the same at sample of datasheet on page 9 with MAX222 is replaced MAX232 and tied mode pin (number 12) of TRXQ1 to ground for broadcast mode.

Handshake: (Computer side view)
- Pin 2 on PC (RX of PC) to 14 (T1OUT of MAX 232) and then pin 11 (T1IN of MAX) to 14 of TRXQ1(RXD pin)
- Pin 3 on PC (TX of PC) to 13 (R1IN of MAX 232) and then pin 12 (R1OUT of MAX) to 13 of TRXQ1(TXD pin)
- Pin 7 (RTS of PC) <-> pin8 (R2IN), pin 9 (R2OuT) to pin 11 (RTS of TRXQ1).
- Pin 8 (CTS of PC) <-> pin 7(T2Out), pin 10 (T2IN) to pin 9 (CTS of TRXQ1)

I've checked all of signal for four lines.It's true.
When I pressed a key (Terminal on PC). I measured on TXD of TRXQ1 ,I saw signal on Ossciloscope
Continuous pressed and held key. I saw handshaking pulses on CTS of TRXQ1.

At other. I saw pulses from nRF401 varied sync with my finger which was pressed.
I think it has received radio wave.
But I don't understand that logical on data out pin (RXH pin) is stablish. :-[ and so on it has no data
Do you know these ones? Incorrection Manchester or CRC code?
Please help me as soon as possible!
Thank very much!

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