Transistor selection in switched capacitor DC DC converter

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Oct 12, 2017
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Efficiency Estimation of Switched Capacitor DC DC Converter

Hi. I am new to Switched capacitor DC DC Converters. I need a little help in finding the efficiency of the converter. The specs of the circuit as follows.

Vin = 1 V, Vout = 0.5 V, Conversion Ratio = 1/2, Load currrent = 10 mA, C fly, C Load = 20 pF. Frequency = 1.73 GHz.

Efficiency = Pout/Pin. How to calculate Pout and Pin. I am using a dc supply for input, and clocks.

Attached the circuit for reference. Kindly help in how to calculate the efficiency.

Thanks in advance. Have a good day.

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Re: Efficiency Estimation of Switched Capacitor DC DC Converter

Pout is 0.5V*10mA, apparently. Pin has to measured in simulation. Seriously it should include the gate driver power consumption.

The efficiency is determined by transistor capacitances and rdson. In would be 100 % with ideal transistors (cx = 0, rdson = 0). In practice it's probably rather low, depending on the available transistor technology. Scaling the transistor sizes for maximal efficiency is your main design job.
Re: Efficiency Estimation of Switched Capacitor DC DC Converter

Dear FvM,

I am using 40 nm technology. Pin has to be found by measuring the current from the supply voltage. Kindly correct me if am wrong. I have calulated the rdson for nmos transistor using dc analysis. I have found the gate cap using the transient analysis. How to calculate the gate driver power consumption? I have connected the input supply to the source of the transistors. I have used NMOS on discharging path and PMOS on charging path.
Thanks for your kind help.

Re: Efficiency Estimation of Switched Capacitor DC DC Converter

I think you can operate the circuit in a transient simulation until steady state is reached and measure Pin. Suitable initial conditions, e.g. charged output capacitor can reduce the simulation time.

Transistor selection in switched capacitor dc dc converter

Hi All. I am trying to build a switched capacitor dc dc 1/2 converter with complementary clocks. I following the topology mentioned below.

I am using PMOS in charge path and NMOS in charge path. Kindly advice me on this selection of nmos and pmos in charge and discharge path. Thanks in advance. Have a nice day.

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