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Transceiver data using nRF24L01 + PIC 16F887

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Jun 5, 2013
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Hi all!
I'm doing the project of nRF24L01 comunicate with PIC to transceiver data via SPI. But slave can't receive data when master send data.
Who can help me :sad:?
Thanks all!

since you are using SPI, I'm sure you have understanding of SPI communication and you have connected chip enable(CE) and chip select (CSE) properly. I will suggest you to start reading with status register.
To check if your communication is working properly you can use a simulator first or a logic analyser to see if you are using SPI control from your controller properly.
I would suggest you to confirm from your controller code first that SPI communication is happening and timings are met.
You can use PICSimulator for checking your code or there is another simulator which comes with MPLAB IDE. Start to use these simulators before you actually test it on your board. Simulators help you saving lot of time and unknown debugging.
or you can use Proteus to simulate your complete design. There is SPI analyser as well in Proteus, so there you can work it out if your master is sending commands properly or not.

Thanks shatruddha!
I test success to comunicate between nRF24L01 + PIC. :)
Now, i start find out of GPS by transceiver data using nRF24L01+PIC.:-D

Awesome dude!!
Keep me updated of your new findings :)
It feels good to see things working :)

Hi shatruddha!
Can you help me a lot of problem " When module nRF24L01 is actived, if it happen contention, what will module implement????"

May be you can have a better use of interrupts in this case. Use the interrupt pin to check the operation of the module. Inside ISR you can read register values for TX and RX FIFO and can develop a state machine while taking care of contention and traffic.
This will hardly take a few extra instruction cycles + time to read the status registers, but will make sure that device is operating as per requirements and things will be well under control.

thanks shatruddha!
I think so. I think this module has a function "auto acknowledgement" that is used to announce a packets transmitted successfull.
I have a problem that cause very hard for me. In Antenna Interface, how to coordinate impedance?
I hope you will help me solve this problem! :)

Impedance matching is a task which I still have to master at :)
During my work at collage I had least Idea about it and generally used to go blindly about impedance matching.

Thanks shatruddha!
I test success to comunicate between nRF24L01 + PIC. :)
Now, i start find out of GPS by transceiver data using nRF24L01+PIC.:-D

Could you kindly share your code, been trying the same with the PIC16F886 but with no luck so far

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