Tools to devlop GUI to my project

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Junior Member level 3
Jul 15, 2004
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alfagui documentation

Hi All,

Is there any freeware tools available to develop GUI..
Which should work in multiplatform ennvironment(Windows and Linux....)..

If there is choice between M$S VC++ and VB which will be fast..
I am new to both of these regarding developing GUI...


if u r planning to develop an appilication which can be run both on Windows and Linux/unix then u need to develop the appilication in languages such as Java, so develop the GUI in Java and u will have a multiplatform appilication,
install java sdk.

obviously VC++ is fast, coz vc++ is c++ and the code is compiled to the machine code, where as the VB is interpreted.

by the way u use vc++ or vb if u planning to write an app for windows os and these app will not work on linux/unix.


In any case, you would need some knowledge of programming.
As far as developing GUI is concerned, I think the best option would be to go the VB route, as I think it's simple to develop GUI there.


I think rkdrkd is looking for something like GTK+

It probably thrives in a GNU compiler environment.

By the way, there are ways to run Windows apps in Linux (example WINE), and run Linux with X apps under Windows (example coLinux).

Tcl+Tk can run almost anywhere and is maybe the easiest language. The shortcomings are:
1. slow (but, is the speed so important for GUI?)
2. somehow ugly
BTW, some script languages (e.g., python, ruby..., which are faster and more powerful than Tcl and also multi-platform) use Tk as its GUI front-end so you can use them as programming language.

I'm doing some search for the same thing under the tag "Automatic GUI creation tool" or "GUI generation tool"

There exist some non-commercial tools (don't remember the exact licenses):

1. Alfagui
2. GraphApp 3
3. Morello GUI (MGui)
4. Microwindows

GraphApp 3 can be used to build Windows-specific or X-specific GUI with plain C code. This is what I was looking in the first place. Good documentation, nice but smallish examples. However, need many days to build something useful.

Alfagui seems little easier but not very strong.

Morello GUI is the easiest of them all. You can be build parts of the GUI graphically.

Microwindows seems to be targeted to building GUI for OS not for single app.

I'll take a look at GTK+. It has much bigger user base.



Also, try QT - it is multi-platform (Windows, Linux, Unix, MacOS). Linux version is free. For Windows there is free non-commercial edition. It comes with QT Designer - the tool for interface creation.


if you know how to program in Java its very simple tto go for AWT or Swing.Swing has more components and advanced dialog boxes and all.Java is platform independant too,but a bit slow to get launched.But the layouts and all are pain to design and needs lots of practise.Instead go for this 400KB odd software which is free to use and satisfies most of the needs(atleast for me)and also easy to use.The link is:
**broken link removed**
Coming to MS technologies,they are not free!!.NET SDK is free but without the studio(very expensive) you cannot do much with that as we could do with the Java SDK.VB is very good for beginners and takes a day or two to write good programs.If you are a total newbie then QT is pain to learn.Learn a bit of c++ then jump to Java,its much better.
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Use java as a programming language.. and there are a lot of free (even open source on IDE's for interface creation.

I use wxWidgets (wxWindows) ... an opensource portable GUI.

Cross-platform GUI programming in C++
wxWidgets gives you a single, easy-to-use API for writing GUI applications on multiple platforms. Link with the appropriate library for your platform (Windows/Unix/Mac, others coming shortly) and compiler (almost any popular C++ compiler), and your application will adopt the look and feel appropriate to that platform. On top of great GUI functionality, wxWidgets gives you: online help, network programming, streams, clipboard and drag and drop, multithreading, image loading and saving in a variety of popular formats, database support, HTML viewing and printing, and much much more.

It run on:

Windows (Win32/Win64/WinCE)
Unix/Linux (GTK+ or X libs)
Dos/Linux via MGL
MacOS (Mac OS X/Carbon, Mac OS Classic .. and Mac OS X/Cocoa (beta) )

... and support many compilers ... under Windows, for example ...

Free compilers and IDE like:
Watcom (opensource)
GCC (via MinGW or DevC++ ... this last is Great ;o))

Commercial complers like:
MS-VC++6 or MS-VC++7 (VisualStudio.Net)
Borland C++

Great! ... for me ;o)

look here ... h**p://w*

bye ... m!k27

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