tetra max questions - is there a way to run loops

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Newbie level 2
Apr 16, 2009
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tetra max questions

Does anyone know if there is a way to run loops (repeat commands) in tetramax or from a command file? For example if I want to repeat a series of commands N times? (I could just copy and paste but N here may be a very large number.)

Also, I am trying to figure out the number of faults detected by a few different vectors which I'm reading in from a file, (for each vector), however due to fault dropping I have to keep resetting the fault list between fault simulations. Is there a way to get around this? (I'm using the full scan method and apparently the nodrop fault option only works for sequential simulation, why is that and is there a way around it?)

Please let me know if anyone has any ideas, thanks.

tetra max questions

Please use 0809 version, this version support tcl mode and use tcl command I think it is easily to implement the loops.
For the second question, please use the command "set pattern external" and "set pattern -del". Hope it helps!

Re: tetra max questions

Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately I have no control over the version currently installed here. I can use external patterns from the file, the problem is the fault dropping, not the patterns. I'm trying to use many patterns and figure out how many faults were detected by each, rather than overall fault coverage, and fault dropping prevents me from doing this. Any other ideas?

tetra max questions

As I said before, use the command "set pattern -del" to prevent overall fault coverage. And if there is fault dropping, it is since the pattern generation based on diffrerent netlist. So if you can get the result, just ignore the fault dropping.

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