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Suggestions on printed antennas with 33 dBi Gain

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Newbie level 5
Aug 1, 2005
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Hi to all,

I would like your proposals for a printed antenna operating at 24 GHz and having gain 33 dBi.
I am working on a linear array of vivaldi antennas but till now I haven't succeded in the gain.
Any suggestion or proposal would be valuable.

Thank you in advance

You are going to end up with an unusually large antenna much like the size of the advertising signs along roads.

I am looking for sth smaller.
The antennas should cover a maximum area of 300*300mm.
Any other suggestions would be helpful

I misread your frequency as 2.4 instead of the stated 24. The size will be smaller. You can estimate the gain from the frontal area of the array. The ratio of about 0.6 times the frontal area divided by the equivalent capture area of an isotropic antenna (which is about 1/12 of a square wavelength) will be the gain. You populate the array with elements that are spaced so that their capture areas do not overlap by much.


    Points: 2
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I think you can get this gain in waveguide slot arry in 24GHz
in printed you have to find another way.


flatulent thank you for your help.
With your equation I will be able to find the number of the elements needed to create the array.

Added after 3 minutes:

The spacing between the elements is it better to have it λ/2 , λ/4 or λ?
I think that the best spacing between the elements is λ/2.

(λ is the wavelength)

The spacing of elements has two components. For economy, the elements have to be spaced so that their equivalent receiving capture areas do not overlap. (the capture area is the isotropic capature area above times the element gain.) The other component is the sidelobe level. For minimum sidelobes you need half wave spacing. For maximum gain you need 0.72 wave spacing (about 1-2 dB more gain overall.)

Then there is the mechanical restriction of two or more elements not being able to occupy the same points in space at the same time.

flatulent thanks again for your help but I cannot well understand what is capture area. Can you give me an example or a figure or sth that can be helpful to make me understand beetter what carture area is.

Moreover the frontal area is the area the elements occupy in the array?

You start with the capture area of an isotropic receiving antenna which is about 1/12 of a square wavelength. Then you know the power gain of an element in dBi. Convert this dB number into a regular number and multiply the isotropic capture area by this number. For simplicity you can then approximate this area by a square. If the elements are unusual the capture area will be a rectangle.

Yes, the frontal area is very close to the area occupied by the entire array with a little extra width and length added on to account for the capture areas being larger than the element frontal area.

flatulent thank you one more time for your help!


what about a compact microstrip array antenna gaining more than 40 dB? 24 GHz and no deep constraint for frequency band ... double polarization (RHCP and LHCP)...

Do u think it is feaseble?

I don't think so, maybe nominally it's achieveble.. a measured gain is another story...



Which type of the following is a better (small and high gain) printed RECEIVE-ANTENNA (line of sight, 20cm-50cm, 1.8GHz):
2) YAGI or Quasi-Yagi
3) printed dipoles or koch dipoles
3) printed log periodic

Thank you so much for your reply which will help me to limite my search on google.

I think post-wall waveguide slot array (SIW slot array) is your best choice.

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