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Suggestions of beginner books about RF circuits

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Full Member level 3
Jun 12, 2007
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i am beginer in RF circuits guys pls suggest me any ebooks r software so that i am kick start form.

beginer in RF

RF design book by Thomas Lee.

SpectreRF and ADS are the software you should know.

Re: beginer in RF

Please be more specific what you want, general RF, discrete RF or RFIC?
For a beginner I'd suggest you start learning transmission line theory as this belongs to the very basics of RF. Then go on with multiport networks and S-parameters, then filters, and finally active RF circuits like mixers and oscillators. There are several books on this, and a quite good one is RF circuit design by Reinhold Ludwig.

What renwl suggested is a book on CMOS RFIC. Referring to old topics in RF, it looks like many people thinks that RF is exactly RFIC. I think RFIC belongs more to analog IC design. Anyway, I think the book by Lee isn't that good for RFIC either. I think Razavi's book is better, since it provides more details and thorough derivations. Then when you have experience with RFIC then you might want to swith over to Lee's book.

Re: beginer in RF

Books like Microwave engineering by pozar, Microwave Amplifiers by Gonzalez and RF Design by Bowick are excellent resources.

Interms of practical experiance, it is a case of learning on the job and building and experimenting with little circuits. This way you will get a good feel.

The best software to learn with is Ansoft Designer - Student Edition, this is a lot more user friendly than EESOF or Aglients software.


beginer in RF

If you're stuck in the "can't get a job w/o experience; can't get experience w/o a job loop," try getting involved in HAM/amateur radio groups. This is a passionate group, very creative, love to share what they know, and also very pragmatic.

Re: beginer in RF

I recomend you this book is really good for RF principles and applications.

"RF Circuit Design" Chris Bowick

Re: beginer in RF

Advark said:
I recomend you this book is really good for RF principles and applications.

"RF Circuit Design" Chris Bowick

Hi members,
I find the book expensive. Could someone uplaod the book on rapidshare.


Re: beginer in RF

What do you mean, is expensive? Somebody on this site charged you money when you want to download it?

Re: beginer in RF

vfone said:
What do you mean, is expensive? Somebody on this site charged you money when you want to download it?

Not at all,
Every body here is kind.
I meant expensive in term of points.

Re: beginer in RF

I think ADS is better than SpectreRF. It is easy to use.

Re: beginer in RF

use pozar book. it is really good. agilent ads, ansoft designer, ansoft hfss, awr microwave office are good softwares. go to ansoft website and study free student tutorials to do simulations. RF circuit design by "chris bowick" is also very good book.

also go to ""

you can find some very good tutorials there.

Good luck.

Re: beginer in RF

I give you a tipp.
First lern mobile communications using Matlab (e.g from Rappaport's book).
Then open this thread again a read from the above books.

Re: beginer in RF

I advice you "Some Design Aspects on RF CMOS LNAs and Mixers" - Anna-Karin Stenman

Good Luck :D

Re: beginer in RF

vijaya_narayana said:
i am beginer in RF circuits guys pls suggest me any ebooks r software so that i am kick start form.


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